We all have limitations. Some are faster while others think of new and exiting ways to
I hear too many people talk about their limitations as though they have something to be proud of and as they are still limiting them.
- As a neurodivergent person…
- Sorry i’m ADHD
- As a survivor of abuse…
- I am an alcoholic
- Im Vegan
Now why do people celebrate these limitations?
For a sense of Community
To try to show that they are not being held by that limitation
These are blind attempts to help them FEEL better about their limitation
Your brain is a computer. When you tell yourself something that thought is incorporated into your routine. So if you are always saying you are your limitation you won’t get over it. Much like how some people take their kids out past their bedtime and when the kid acts up they apologize instead of fixing the problem which is taking jr to bed.
- If you tell yourself that you are crappy reader then you won’t read
- If you say you get sleepy when you read a book guess what you will get sleepy.
You are what you program your mind to and that is what you are doing to your imitations you are giving them strength over you by identifying as that limitation. So if you see yourself as a limited person you wil be that limited person. You aren’t so much helping yourself over come a limitation as you are giving yourself and excuse as to why you dont need to try as hard.
Being limited isn’t a grounds for bragging. It is however an excuse. So why be the victim of a limitation when you can overcome the problem. WHen you over come a problem most people dont think of that problem any more. So they dont have to stand around and beat their chest saying I beat that big problem! They just go on to the next issue at hand.