We all want the ability to shape our legacy. I mean how do we want to be remembered? That is the root of our legacy. We leave monuments for future generations to know that we have at least transferred this mortal realm. So what if someone got curious and looked us up what would they find out about you in particular?
First off they would find all the details of who you are. You’re a dude who lived in the early 2000s and you were married for a little while at least. They may get a bit curious as to why the marriage fell apart or they may go on and see what the rest of the story about you is.
What would they find? Would they see that you were a kind a generous man or would they see that after your divorce, you turned your back on society and never tried to find happiness ever again?
What do you want to be remembered for?
This is a question most men don’t care to ask themselves. They view The future as something that is not important. most men will often say who cares? Now I get why that would be such a throwaway question if they truly didn’t care.
So let me ask that question again, and you take the time to truly contemplate it.
what do you want to be remembered for?
Because we all care about what we remembered. their graveyards are full of men wanting to be remembered. You go to a small town in the middle of Texas and you will find little cemeteries all over the place little family cemeteries that have menial little headstones. While other family members have huge Granite blocks. Even that smallest headstone is a man’s attempt at having his legacy remembered.

So again what do you want to be remembered for? do you want to be known as being this angry hateful man? or do you want to be known as a kind loving man who took no crap from anybody. There is a difference one shows a strong man. A man who is dedicated to his family, his neighborhood, and his town. The other man was selfish and turned his back on society.
Now I can hear what you are saying, I didn’t turn my back on society. Society turned its back on me. So why should I care what these people think of me? Well, why do you care? Why do you think you’re running away? Because you care what those people in your community think of you. The thought that you have to repair your reputation after your loving wife came along and told lies. I understand why are trying to be this angry man. When in all reality we see you’re not angry you are hurt. You are frustrated. How are you going to fit into this community after all those horrible things were said?
What if you wanted to show your legacy to be the man who arose from the ashes? How would that Legacy play out? How would you act if you wanted your legacy to be the world tried to beat me down and I came back again? Does that sound like a man who gave up, or does the man who sits around sulks, and puts on the act of being angry at everybody who wronged him the legacy of a man who gave up?
You see the actions you display and show people what your thoughts are. Remember your thoughts create emotions that create actions that create results. Your thoughts create your results. So what do you want your results to be? Are you wanting to show that you were a weak man who was a victim and beaten up? Are you wanting society to pity you? That is a man who gave up. He went inside and just sat in this house. What a crappy story that is or do you want to be the man who goes out even though the world tried to beat him down. He stood back up and became even better. He became even greater. He became the man that the world wishes that there were more of in this world

Who do you want to be? What legacy do you want to be remembered for? You do have the power to write your own story. You have that ability. You are a man of strength, of ability, and of action. So tell me what do you want to be remembered for?
Why is your legacy important?
Why is legacy important? Because we men want to be immortal. we already know that we’re going to die one day. However, we want our story to live on. how do we do that? The answer is easier than we think we write down what we want our Legacy to be.
Your obituary
One of the best exercises you can do is to write down your obituary. However, I believe this exercise becomes even more impactful when you do it this way.
First I want you to write down societies obituary about you. How do you think Society viewed you? What do you think people remembered you for? Look at it and see where they are right. Who cares if they are wrong? It honestly doesn’t matter. The thoughts that the community you live in is wrong are just thoughts. Nothing more concrete than a wisp of smoke.

Now that you know what they got right do you like what they have right? Yes, Sweet keep doing that. NO? Then you get to change.
How do you change? This is the fun part. Write your own obituary. How do you want to be remembered? What epic adventures do you want to have? You have read where many people actually have written their own obituaries and they are epic.
Once you have written your full story down. Then start living it. Find out ways you can fulfill that bucket list of incredible things.
Does your legacy really matter?
Some people actually wonder if a legacy is actually important. It is but it isn’t the most important thing. The Tuesday quote is a great example of it being important but not the end all be all.
Alexander the Great and his mule driver both died and the same thing happened to both. – Marcus Aurelius
So don’t live for your legacy but know that you have the ability to influence it. You can steer it in the direction you want. If you want. Most men who are great did. Most men who gave up just sat there.
Do you want to change your future? Do you want to have a legacy of one that your kids are proud of? This is all stuff you can do. If you would like help in doing so then please reach out and let’s set up a Consult call and see how we can help each other.
The Next Step
If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you