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Your Free Will

Many people want to pass their actions off to other people. They see how they feel and want to believe that the actions they take are actions that are out of their hands. Then people also want to be able to force their will on others because, well why not?

Yet when people look at their life and see where they are going, many people want to turn their blam to those outside forces. They do not want to have responsibility for what gives them joy or what brings suffering into their life. Yet life has other plans.

Humans are interesting creatures of habit. We don’t want responsibility for our actions yet we fight to have our freedoms. Those freedoms allow us to exercise our free will. 

What is free will


made or done freely or of one’s own accord; voluntary:

Free will is one of the most important parts of a human. This fact is seen throughout history time and time again. People will only allow themselves to be oppressed for a short length of time. Then the tyrant has to up their cruelty or the underlings will force him out of power. This has happened time and time again.

Why? Because Free will is not able to be stopped. People have their own thoughts and they act upon those thoughts. Taking action and then reaping the results. We fight for our free will but then hide from it when it results of our actions aren’t to our liking. We want to blame others for our unhappiness. We want to think that someone is oppressing us because we chose to stay comfortable. We would rather smoke a bowl and hang with our friends than put in the hard work and discomfort to find the fulfillment we desire in our life.

This is where we curse God for our shortcomings. Not because we have shortcomings but because we have to step out of our comfort zone to overcome those shortcomings. We Want our cake and to eat it too and that never works out.

Photo by Zoe VandeWater on Unsplash

All because we do have a choice in our life. How do you want to take that divorce that is coming your way? That is a choice. Though you may want to scream that she didn’t ask you if you wanted the divorce. Why would she ask you? You have been noncommittal in most of your marriage. 

Why do you go to work? Because you have to pay the bills. That is no commitment in that response.

Why do you just sit in the living room and not interact with your wife? You do? Only when she comes into the living room. She may like to hang out in the bedroom, and you like the living room. However, you have chosen to not interact with your wife by not being committed to working on the relationship. The reason your marriage is falling apart is just as much a result of you exercising your free will as your wife is exercising hers.

How is free will looked at?

Free will is looked at as being wanted without the responsibility of being used. You have been late for work for the 5th time this month. Response? I can’t help that there was an accident on the highway that help me up or You had to find someone to jump your car. 

That “I can’t help it that…” phrase is you saying I am not going to take responsibility. I am not taking credit for my own free will. You had the choice to get up a little earlier and get out on the road a little sooner. Yet your retort maybe something along the line of,

  • I didn’t hear my alarm
  • Why do I want to get to work any sooner than I have to?
  • I didn’t want to get out of bed.

Each of those thoughts are just excuses as to why you chose to not get up out of bed in time to go to work. 

flat tire close-up photography

You want a better connection with your wife, or your wife is leaving and you say you want to change. Although all you do when you get home is sit on the couch and watch television. You made the choice to not take action. You made the choice to sit and let your wife drift away. You have the choice but the change was too uncomfortable. Therefore you decide to lie to yourself and say you don’t have any choice in the matter.

Free will is one of those aspects in life that just allows you to have all the success or all the failure that you want. Free will is why the poor stay poor and the rich are able to become rich. This is an aspect that I see Society fighting against. They want to say people don’t have free will and their actions are not their own.

The turning away of Free Will

Look at any social ills today and you will see that people are not wanting to address the free will aspect of their problems. All the Social Justice themes are being touted. It is supposed to systemic racism or whiteness. The trans uproar on what bathroom they are supposed to use and whether should they compete against people of natural sexes or not.

All of this is for people to turn away from their own responsibility of their own free will. They don’t have to see that George Floyd made his own choices that lead to his interaction with the police. Will Thomas made the choice to change his gender so he would be able to feel good about his swim career.

women holding signs during daytime

Why have to mess with the ugly truth that people get hurt or killed, Become rich, or lose all their money because of the choices they make? The economy goes great or horribly because of the choices a society makes. Then they want to not face the fact that their free will actually gets them into the trouble they are in. 

Sadly so many people what to blame outside forces for the results they are getting. This is frustrating in that people are choosing to have a life of suffering because they have been told by other people that they are to suffer. Instead of changing what they are doing and seeing how that does.

Why Free will Is great

Free will is the power you need to make any changes you need in your life. You have the choice to believe what you want. So if you want to think that the world is against you and that evil capitalists have robbed you of all your opportunity. Fine believes that. Just know that your free will can take you in the other direction. You have to choose to change your beliefs. If they don’t serve you then why hold on to them?

Your free will is the catalyst for all your great ideas. You just have to exercise your free will.

Now know that free will doesn’t protect you from the consequence of your action. So if you do evil then evil will be returned to you. If you actively cheat people they will not trust you. Anything in life returns to the person 7 fold. So if you give value to others they will give value back. If you give hatred to others you will receive that same hatred back.

With free will, you can see where you are actually going off the rails. Are you getting the results you want? No? Why? Well then you can choose to change your thoughts or you can play the victim.

If you want to see how your free will can affect your life make a small change. Not sure what to change? Look at what is not working and do the opposite. See what happens then.

The Next Step

If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.