Life can get monotonous
- We all let life slide by.
- We find ourselves floating down that river
You don’t have to let it Take over
- You have to notice when you are letting your life slide.
- Ask questions about that thought.
- Sadly we don’t allow ourselves to get curious anymore.
Importance of Being Curious
- It allows you to become childlike in wonder.
- You come to understand yourself better when you do allow yourself to become curious.
- You have a deeper connection when you stop assuming you know it all.
- When you can be curious you find that you have more in common with those around you.
- It brings that spark back into your life that you have been missing.
What if you allowed yourself to get curious again?
- You start being able to tap into all those important aspects that curiosity brings.
Your curiosity knows no bounds.
- You are able to be curious about anything around you and anything in life.
Curious about work
- What would happen if you become curious about what you do at work?
Curious about your friends
- What would it look like if you actually become more interested in what your friends are doing?
Curious about your wife.
- So many facets you could get curious about.
- Find the wonder in sex again.
- Find out what she is passionate about.
Curious about your kids
- How would your kids react if you showed real interest in what is happening in their life?
- Do you think they would respect your thoughts more? They would
- Kids with parents who are fully engaged are less likely to turn to those who may not have your kids best interests at heart.
Curious about yourself
- What you you do if you paid more attention to what you do in your life?
- Why do you look at porn?
- Why do you actually say one thing and then do the opposite?
- Why has it taken you 7 months to fix the toilet?
- When you pay attention to what you do and you get curious as to why you do that you find you have more insight as to what is actually holding you back.
How to get curious about anything.
- Getting curious does require some intentionality
Start with the 6 questions

The Next Step
If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you