Your life is your home. You live in your this home day in and day out. How much do you like your life? What would it take for you to have the life you want? It would take you doing some changes to your life. You could look at it as remodeling your home.
If you were a house and you were tired of how it looked what would you do? Many men would just sit there and talk about wanting to change or update the wall colors. You might want to update the kitchen or put that shower you have been wanting in. Yet you don’t, why? Many times men don’t make remodeling changes because of the hassle we will have to face. We do want to improve our home but dang we just want a day to ourselves or we say we will get to it someday. I don’t know if you have looked at a calendar here recently but there are only 7 days in a week and none of them are Someday. We have a Sunday but no someday.
So it does take work to change. It takes effort, much like when you are remodeling a home. You don’t start in one room and work a little in there then go to the kitchen and take the sink apart. Only to go to the attic and stack insolation. You have to have a plan as to how you are going to do the remodel. You also want to accept that you are going to be doing some uncomfortable changes. Those changes will cause other people in your life to question your why. You need that why.
Yet many men also are overwhelmed with where they need to start, if they are wanting to improve their home, they allow themselves to step into confusion and other indulgent emotions that keep them in their comfort zone instead of making the changes they talk about.
Strengthen your foundation
As with any house you have to have a strong foundation for your home to rest on. If you build your house just on the ground without preparing the ground and the foundation it will not stand. This is where many men’s lives come apart. They build their life with no foundation. They don’t prep the ground. There is no checking to see if this profession is what they actually want. They just choose what the guidance counselor thinks they would be good at and run with it. They don’t even know what foundation they have if any.
Then 15-20 years down the road, these men are fighting burnout, divorce, depression, and more. This is because without a foundation your home can’t stand. So there is a need to prepare. Decide what it is you want to change. and why you want to change and what you are changing to. We have road maps but you have to know a destination before you take off. The same is for your life. the lack of a target is what got you in the mess you are in today. Drifting aimlessly will give you a 1-in-a-million shot of landing where you like. Many times you can’t even get out of the bay.
There are 4 parts to a good masculine foundation. This allows you to keep all for corners of your life in shape and provides a firm foundation for all that you build on top of it.
Man’s Mind – Remodel the layout
How is your house laid out? To get to the bathroom does everyone have to go through your bedroom first? or to get to the kitchen do they have to go outside and around the corner because the kitchen was an afterthought? What if you were to remodel your life so that made sense to you? What if you were intentional in designing your house?
This is the man’s mind pillar. Your foundation has to be intentional. and you do this by learning. You learn by reading books that interest you. You do this by listening to podcasts that help push your thoughts. The Man’s Mind Pillar is where you gain your philosophy in life. It can be your own philosophical design or it could be a mishmash of different philosophical ideas. This is also where you build and form your core values and rules that you live by.
This is where you form the Who are you? Why are you hear? This is the section where if you don’t like how your life looks you change it. You can change your life’s layout. It does take work but so does everything that is worth it. and you my friend are worth it.
If you are tired of being angry that is a room that might need to be tweaked. Address why it is so much heat in it. Maybe you just need to change the ducting or change how you look at circumstances and you are able to slow down your anger. all thanks to remodeling what you think and what you make those thoughts mean.

Man’s Body – Remodel the Rooms
How many times have you had a room that looked tired and worn out? How many times do you look at yourself and think you are tired and worn out? Have you thought of updating that room?
Getting yourself in shape and living your life with a bit more health focus you see that your rooms are getting a freshening up. You don’t get as tired as you used to. You don’t see yourself as dumpy anymore. You actually may give yourself some much-needed confidence in that you are now not as doughy as you used to be.
Your health is important and that health is not just building materials but also depends on the quality of those materials. If you use cheap subflooring you’re going to find that it will be needed to be changed a lot sooner than you want. So put quality food into your body as you build on to your body. Make the rooms as nice as possible. So keep this pillar strong by keeping yourself strong.

Man’s Soul – Freshing up the Decore
Your soul is what decorates your home. How are you treating your soul? Is it being fed what it needs or are you just throwing something at it and hoping for the best? This is the place where burnout originates. When you are not living to your soul’s needs you find yourself in a world of pain and frustration. You need to feed your soul. What are you doing? Are you going against what you feel called to do? What you are called to do doesn’t mean you have to make money but it doesn’t hurt either.
Many times we ignore what we want for the sake of others. we sacrifice our souls to the will of those who do not feed us. You have to be honest with your why or you will find yourself being drawn away from this particular pillar. What did you like to do? What are you creating? That is the key to your whole attitude in life. If you are not creating something you find yourself feeling lower and more resentful. But create it for you, not for the world.
When you find your calling and you start creating it. You find your soul being fresher and lighter. much like a new decore.

Man’s Community – Adding extra rooms
When it comes to the number of rooms this is where your community comes into play. The Man’s community is those men and other people who you spend much of your intentional time with. This could be your band of brothers or a charity or even a civic organisation. When you get out here and meet new people you will find people who resonate with you.
Those people are part of your community. We, men, need other men in our lives. when we forsake other men and live with just our wives and kids we interrupt the flow of positive energy we are creating. Adding more people actually give us more space to get more done in our home. Because those men will provide a hand for you to do more and to reach higher.

Invite people to see your handy work
With the community, you need to stop being a private person. Yeah, you may be an introvert but you don’t have to use that as an excuse to not hang around other people. Yeah, it is easier to spend time with yourself alone. but you are a man who is a social creature and you need others around you. So invite people into your life. Let those who help you feed your soul come in and let those who are willing to push how your think in all these people are there to be a part of the brightness that is you.