Did you know there is more than one intimacy? Yeah, there are, depending on who you talk to, around 5 to 10 different types of intimacy and I am surprised about this revelation. Because according to Choose Therapy, there are the following
- Physical
- Emotional
- Intellectual
- Spiritual
- Experiential
- Social
- Creative
- Conflict
- Aesthetic
- Work
This is a bit different from the other intimacies. This one fits more with the Man’s Community Pillar how open are you able to be with other people while at work.
This again follows the whole part of sharing your experience with another person. Yet to get a little more specific it is also allows your wife to see and experience your life more through your eyes.
Work intimacy is also part of you and your wife’s intimacy too. This is becuase you and your wife are working together. So how well do you work with your wife? With this intimacy it leads to a building of trust and understanding of each other. It also leads to new learning of how each of you cope with different challenges.
Now this is often a problem because if you are like me and my wife we struggle to do a project together. There are time that frustration and irritation boils over and we have to break so we can simmer down a bit and then get back to work. So building your work intimacy with your wife can be challenging if you aren’t present in mind. If you are being intentional in how you show up you will let the emotional side of you bubble to the surface and you will struggle with keeping the intimacy and may even damage the connection which isn’t bad becuase you get to experiance the conflict intimacy and repair the damamge.
So this intimacy is like the others is that are you able to share your work with others in your space? If you are in a competitive enviroment you may have fewer intimate interactions with your coworkers and those you do work with are often tight knit teams that work very well together and you can do that with your wife as well. Even if it is just the house work.