Did you know there is more than one intimacy? Yeah, there are, depending on who you talk to, around 5 to 10 different types of intimacy and I am surprised about this revelation. Because according to Choose Therapy, there are the following
So here we are 10 weeks after starting this crazy journey of looking at the 10 different types of intimacy. So we are now to the 10 type of intimacy that most of us men want more of. We are talking about physical intimacy and what I have gathered on what it takes to
What is Physical Intimacy?
What I have discovered through this study of the different types of intimacy is that it all condenses down to
It is the sharing of your physical being with another person
- Sex
- Hugs
- Hand holding
- Shaking of hands
- Anything that is Skin to skin
Why do we want this so much?
Why is the physical intimacy so sought after? That is because the neural receptors and hormones that come from physical touch are so pleasant. We get Oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and others when we get skin to skin contact. This allows us to feel better connected to those we are close to.
Our minds were designed to look for those chemical cues that show us that we are doing what is needed to have the species continue. So that is why sex feels so great. That is w
How do we get more Physical intimacy?
You have to work on the other intimacies to develop the physical intimacy. You have to talk about what you are thinking and feeling, not so much share your emotions as you are sharing your experiences with you wife. Remember
Look at the hookup culture in our colleges. The relationships are empty and easily fall apart.
You have to implement all parts of the different intimacies. You have to have lots of experiences and not run from the conflict. You need to find different ways to work together and learn what each person sees as beautiful. Create a life together and go to church together. Do be hermits together, but go out into society and attend parties and other events. Allow each other to cry or rage when they need to. Don’t manipulate the other person’s emotions, let them have their feelings. Doing this will allow you to have the strong trusting bond your wife needs so that she can have the physical intimacy that you want.