There are many things in life that we want to tell ourselves are true when in reality they’re not. Many men put undue stress on the relationship because they want their wives to support them in their quest for their goals and dreams. They decide that suddenly their hopes and dreams are eternally dashed because their wife doesn’t see the dream the same way they see it.
Why is it on your wife’s shoulders to push you to your dream? This is the big question that I have when men say their wife doesn’t support their dreams. Who said that she has to support your dream? Why is your dream contingent solely on the will of your wife?
This is a huge fallacy that men do to their wives. Think that because their wife doesn’t have the same dream that they do the wife doesn’t support them. This is what I want to look into today.
Does she not support you?
The first big question I would ask is the following,
Does she really not support you or is she just checking to make sure that you want this dream?
Many times our wives look at circumstances completely different to us. This is why men and women make such a great team. Because men will look at it one way and women will look at it from a completely different angle. And many times what we perceive as our wife not supporting us is her approaching the vision from a completely different angle.
It could also be that you have been working on this so-called dream for seven years. Maybe she’s seeing that you still have yet to produce anything from these seven years of dreaming. Maybe she is getting tired of hearing you say one day this is going to work one day this is going to take off. Maybe, just maybe, she’s getting tired of you talking with no action. So if you want to see her get behind and start supporting you. Perhaps you should start doing the scary stuff instead of just talking about it.
She doesn’t need to support you
Does your wife need to support you? If so, why? Why does your wife need to support you in this endeavor? Do you absolutely need your wife to support you and support your dreams or you just looking for an excuse as to why you don’t have to go further and do the uncomfortable stuff? There’s a huge difference between those two things. Are you looking for an excuse is way different and would be a very good reason as to why you’re not doing anything to further your dreams.
Your wife doesn’t need to support you. This should be all on your shoulders. If even if everybody turned their back on you and you know, this is the thing you’re supposed to do, don’t be walking around asking for permission go out and get it done. Your wife doesn’t need to support you the only person that needs to support you and support your dreams is you.
Yes it would be nice but she doesn’t have to
I agree it would be nice if your wife supported you. But again you’re confusing want with need. You want your wife to support you, but that also means she doesn’t have to.
To say that she needs to support you, gives you an easy out. If she’s not going to support you, you didn’t wanna try so hard? You can sit around and just watch television and talk about taking the needed steps, but you don’t really have to, and then when it all fails, you can just point to your wife and go with her fault. No, it’s not her fault, you let yourself down. You let the inner weakling win out.
You chose to play the victim instead of fighting for what you dreamed of.
So how are you supposed to reach your goals?
So if your wife isn’t supporting you and your friends aren’t supporting you then how are you supposed to reach your goals? By taking one step at a time. There should be only one person you’re proving your goal to. And that is you. Your uncle doesn’t care if you get to the finish line.
Your wife cares whether you’re not you take care of the family or not. It’s not about. Did you get your goals accomplished? Do you have enough money for rent and food? Nobody has your vision but you.
So you have to stop trying to point out the failures that you have done on everybody else. You have to start taking ownership of your actions and your lack of actions. Because nobody is going to reach your goals for you. Your wife, even if she cheers for you from time to time patches you on the back, and calls you a good brave boy that still is not going to get you to the finish line, you have to pick up set it down, and rinse and repeat until you cross that finish line. You have to be the one that finishes not your wife. Not your family. Not society. It is just you and you alone.
Now this short post may sound a little harsh. It might sound even kind of mean. And I see how you would say that. But sometimes us men have to use direct language. Because this post is directed at me myself. I’m writing this to get my end off of the couch. To stop feeling sorry for myself. To actually get to my goal. These words work for me and I have a feeling they will work for you too. Because you are also a guy who wants to get stuff done so together man let’s get to work.
If you need help getting your goals in order, take the steps needed to get to your goals. Reach out to me let’s take the next step and get coached so that you can reach your objectives and show yourself what is possible.
If you need help getting your goals in order, taking the steps needed to get to your goals. Reach out to me let’s take the next step and get coached so that you are able to reach your objectives and show yourself what is actually possible.