This is the end of the year. Therefore it stands to reason that we are looking toward the future.
Why you don’t look to the future?
I don’t know how.
What if I fail?
I don’t have the money
I don’t know what I want
I have never done X.
Are you looking to the future or are you just daydreaming?
Many times we say we are looking at the future when in all reality we are daydreaming. The difference between planning and dreaming is the deadline.
When are you going to achieve the goal?
What is keeping you from even trying?
Why try? Cause you are going to fail? The Motivational Triad
Failing is a good thing
When you fail you are learning how to not do something. You are also getting the right mindset needed for success. If you don’t have the right mindset and it gets tough then you will not know how to handle the circumstance. You will fall back on your old ways of thinking.
Remember your results come from your thoughts
How to plan for the future?
- First, allow yourself to dream
- Write 50 those dreams down.
- Choose 5 you want to focus on first.
- Make a plan as to how you are going to achieve those 5 plans.
- When you complete one you choose a new one from the list.
Your thoughts will create your Results
If you think you can’t then you won’t
If you think it is possible you will find a way.
It is all about how you think of the circumstances.
Do you have an end-of-the-year review?
is it more than you just beating yourself up?
Many times that is what we do and call it a review.
What worked? what didn’t work? What could you try instead of the stuff that didn’t work?