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The Virtuous Side of Dangerous Men

You may hear many women say that men are dangerous. and you know what? They are right. we are dangerous and we want to be dangerous. The women in society want men to be dangerous. Yet there are a subset of folks who miss understand what a good man is. They think that men who are safe are harmless men.

Now Dr Jordan Peterson said it very well,

A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control

Dr Jordan Peterson

So what does it mean to be a dangerous man? Why do we want men to be dangerous? Both of thesese are good questions and when you hear of a man being dangerous, you think of being armed and dangerous. ANd that is part of it. You want to man who is capable of violance. That is when they protect you and your children from men who want to harm you or take your property.

Yes that is a type of very much needed Dangerous man. WHy is he dangerous? Becuase he isn’t dangerous to his wife and kids but he is a threat to the man who wishes you harm. Men are the gaurd dogs. NOw that is the obvious ways that men are dangerous and why that type of danger is good.

So how else is it good that masculine men are dangrous?

Its Dangrous to take risks

From a young age boys push each other to take risks. Who can jump farther on their bikes. Can you float off of the house with just an umbrella? WHo can hold their breath longer? Who can climb the highest, the fastest? Boys push each other to be the best. Boys dare each other to do stuff that could result in scars, and that is a good thing.

Look at todays men. They are these nervous anziety ridden globs of flash that resemble grown men. Yet when it comes to something slightly risky. They freeze and cant make the jump. This is thanks to helecopter parents and people wanting to make suer their own minds didn’t ahve worrisome thoughts. So that the adults do not feel unease they make the boys suffer. at a later date.

two people flying through the air on a pair of parachutes and this is dangerous with perceived knowledge of the risks

Boys need danger in their lives. The need the risk and reward of getting a cool scar, because that means they have a story to tell later. WIth all that risk the boys see that they actually will not die when trying something risky like starting their own business. Todays men would rather do something that doesnt involve risk like look at porn than to goand ask a young lady out on a date. That should be the number one thing on young boys minds yet now a days you have a bunch of Bonobo Monkies for men.

Women want men who are able to be successful. Now You may want to try to argue that but I will point to the fact that 70% of the divorces that are started by the women of the marriage. WIth more women going to college and fewer men are earning degrees. This mena that unless they start their own business men are going to make less than their spouse. Women need the fanacual security that comes from men. When a man isn’t able to provide that security then they leave. So women still want men to take risks and that risk still can result in failure. That failure is often viewed as dangerous.

You want a dangerous man who will take a risk to better themselves. That is becuase better men better the women.

Harder to read The emotions

Now you will often hear society claim that men dont share emotions and that is why masculinity is dangerous. I say that lack of emotions at the critical time is actually a virtue of a masculine man. That is because it is hard to tell what a man is thinking if he is not broadcasting his emotions all over the place. Again if the family is in danger you dont want a man blubbering in the corner as his wife is being raped. You want that bad guy to wonder what Mr. Man is goign to do. He is awfully calm right now. That unease will open up the chance that the criminal screws up even more than just entering your house .

Now what society is really wanting is for men to express their emotinos like women do. Yet we dont men express their emotions as men. Unlike what the WOke crowd wants peopel to believe men cant be women. We apprach problems differently and we express our emotions differently. many of it is to not show weakness this is true. You want to display strength.

You see men dont turn to their wife with negative emotions unless they have a solution to the problem. This is becuase we are beacons of positive energy for the family. When we stop being that beacon we lose the credibility of our wife.

A woman realy doesnt want to have a man who sounds like Harry Nilsson

How many women swoon at the thought that they have a man who is that weak? Now us men loved it. All becuaes we thought it sounded sensative and that was what we were told women liked. WOmen dont want weak men who are anxiety riddled blowing up their phone because they haven’t seen them in 20 minutes. That type of anxious attachment is draining on a relationshp and if you express your emotions to your woman like that she will leave.

This is one reason men need other men around. We use other masculine men as a recharging station. This is why it is good for a man to have regular visits with other men. We are not lone wolfs. Men are just as socialy oriented as the women, and I would go as far as to say more so. The issue is that we have bought into what society says about us that we dont like to be sociable. Yet go to any coffee shop in a small town and you will see the farmers (men) gathered together talking. Men are always looking for a reason to get together. Men have been gathering together since the dawn of time. No men do like to be socialble. Society just wants to push a inaccuarte idea.

We are also cosidered stoic for not crying in our office. This shows a gross lack of understanding what stoicm is. At the root a stoic isn’t a person who is devoid of emotions. Infact Stoicism is the demostication of emotions. Men who are not incontrol of their emotions are actually the ones who cause the most harm.

Our emotions are hard to read becuase it makes us dangerous.

We will win our arena

When you have a man who is on a mission, and he has his goal fixed in his sight he will persue it. He will doggedly chase it till he wins the contest. This is being in his arena. Many “Doctors” want to say that masculinity is toxic because they see our competitivie ness as a problem. Yet all animals have a competitive streak. We competl for food, resources, and mates. HUmans also compet for their succes, and that competitiveness is what allows fo rus to have the best product we have. Dont beleive me look at the favorability of the Yugo car compared to cars created in a capitolist system. Competition distills the ideas we have and makes them better. Because of that we have things like apple computers and Windows divices. WE have the best technology can offer instead of being stuck with dial up.

Men fight in their arena and that dangerous activity is needed from men

As men we are cometative and we want to win. THis is why even when adults dont want kids to keep score the kids will keep score.

Yes we seek to dominate. Yes us Men want to dominate what we persue. That doesn’t mean we dominate women. Infact when it comes to women real men know that women hold real and equal power in the house.

Because of competition we do know when we are beat. Because we go after what we want thsi is seen as dangerous and yeah that persuit is risk at the same time so it will be dangeerous. Yet the reward is worth the risk.

We take action

Another part that many see as being dangerous to men is that men take action. We dont just sit and talk about it. We understand that that will not produce the results we want.So we make a decission and then we take action and persuit that target. With out the persuite we dont have the reward. WIth out the reward we dont have the sucess that our wive and kids deserve. So society needs men to be dangerous. and to keep that danger under control. SO that we are able to become better stronger and faster.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.