We get so much coming at us at times. Especially when we are starting something new. So why do we feel overwhelmed when things come at us too fast? When we don’t address overwhelm in time we end up going down the road of burnout.
What is Overwhelm?
Overwhelm is a feeling we get when we have taken on too much and we become unsure of what our next steps or actions need to be. We want to believe that we have more going on than what we are physically emotionally or mentally able to take on.
What we believe creates Overwhelm
Our circumstances do not create the overwhelm. Our thoughts about the circumstances create our overwhelm
What actually causes Overwhelm
Being overwhelmed is nothing more than an emotion. Your thoughts about the circumstances are what create your overwhelm
Shoulding on yourself
- Thinking you’re not being productive
- You should be doing more
- Judging yourself
Stops being helpful when it stops being motivational
Black and White Thinking- either/or Thinking
- I will never get this done
- I am so terrible at this
- This is too much!
Perfectionist thinking
- You are setting unrealistic expectations on yourself
- fear failure
- I am going to mess it up.
- I don’t know how to do it.
People Pleasing
- I can’t say no
- They are going to get mad at me if I don’t
- My boss is going to fire me.
Lack Of Boundaries
Are you able to control it?
Yes you are able to control it but you have to
- What to know about overwhelm
- Being Busy isn’t the key
- Trying to get things done while in resistance
- Dealing with FOMO
- We often fall into Indulging habits
How do you get past being overwhelmed?
Be intentional in your thoughts by examining the thoughts you are having and seeing if those thoughts are actually true or just your mind trying to get you to stay comfortable. Address the problem with your friends. Talk to your coach if you have one.
manage your time
Pay attention to the thoughts that you are having. And ask yourself why you believe that. Is that thought really true?