With Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow, I wanted to bring in the big topic of the day. That topic is gratitude. Yeah, it’s good to talk about gratitude on a fairly regular basis. This year interestingly enough is a bit lacking in the positive aspects of gratitude.
So I wanted to sit down and talk about why practicing gratitude makes your life so much better. Why it’s important to be grateful for the little things, and not just the big things.
You, see one of the greatest things about gratitude, though it helps other people when you feel gratitude it is strictly for you and nobody else.
Why is gratitude important?
How many times have you been just so mad at somebody you know? No how mad would you be if you were grateful for them? That scale changes as you are working out how grateful you are for them. He may still be kind of miffed at him for whatever it is they did, but if you are grateful for having that person as your friend, the level of irritation, frustration, anger, whatever it is is going to be drastically lower because of the level of gratitude you have.
Gratitude does a lot of mindset changes for us. From changing straight-up anger to irritation to taking a bad day and turning it into a good day. Gratitude is one of those wonderful things that you can share with somebody and the majority of the time you’re going to change their attitude too.
Take a waiter if he appears to be having a rather cruddy day and before you leave, you show him appreciation and gratitude for all the work that he has done. I can guarantee that you have changed that man’s day for the better.
Now you’re right your thoughts on a circumstance are going to be completely different than those people around you. Yet gratitude becomes its own circumstance. When you share that you are grateful for the work, somebody is done for you. They’re gonna have a whole new set of thoughts that they are operating from. So you can brighten a person‘s day by simply sharing how grateful you are for that person.
It keeps you positive
One of the great effects of gratitude is it keeps you positive. It allows you to see all the good possibilities that could come out of a circumstance. It allows you to forgive those who may have slighted you. Gratitude allows you to tap into other possibilities that are not presented to people who are not grateful.
That level of positivity also allows you to live longer. Allows you to laugh and love more. You have a better connection to your wife when you are truly grateful for what she does for you.
Now I get it it can be tough at times to wanna be grateful for our wife when she is being exceptionally moody. However, that is just one small segment of y’all‘s life together. The people who walk through life, happy content, smiling, and loved by those around are those people who are grateful for simply everything. A person who is grateful for what they have is more willing to share what they have with their friends and family.
To be able to feel fulfilled in your life‘s accomplishments, it is imperative that you have gratitude in your heart. Zig Ziegler famously said
you gotta have the attitude of gratitude.
Gives you an abundant mindset
If you would like to be able to accomplish what you set your mind to you have to have an abundant mindset. Walking around with scarcity keeps you from expanding. So you have to be able to change your outlook on your financial status your social status and the like to one of abundance.
When you have an abundant mindset, you’re not going to worry about someone stealing your ideas, because you’re the creator of those ideas. When you have the Dr. to try something new, you’re abundant mindset will allow you to learn more than scarcity.
So when you have gratitude, you will actually become more successful and more liked simply because you’re grateful for those people who are around you
It allows you to love those who make it a challenge.
Now with Thanksgiving and family times coming up, there are many instances where we struggle with being around our family. Sadly, many people have decided that they don’t wanna be around their family this year because their family didn’t vote the way you think they should’ve voted.
That line of thinking keeps you lonely. Keeps you playing small. Because you’re not grateful for the fact that you have a family. When you start becoming grateful for the opportunities, your family brings your world starts to change when you become grateful for the irritations that your family insights in you you change your outlook as a whole.
Gratitude allows you to love those people who make your life challenging. When you have the gratitude that you still can see your grandmother or your favorite aunt, you can turn a blind eye to the rest of the topics that you deem nonsense.
Gratitude also allows you to maintain your boundaries better. You are grateful for the strength within you to be able to uphold whatever boundary you have laid out. It gives you the strength to enforce your boundaries, because you’re the only one who can enforce your boundaries.
It brings you closer to those around you.
Gratitude changes your attitude about those people around you. So yeah, you’re a noisy annoying Uncle, who likes to wear the unwanted ball cap. You can still love him. You can still spend time with him. You can even actually ignore the BS talk that he provides knowing that you’re grateful for the fact that you get to see him. You are grateful for the fact that you get to spend time with your family.
Being grateful opens your heart for love and acceptance a lot more than trying to just shun people that you think annoy you. Gratitude allows you to continue to have fun at those family gatherings
It’s all up to you!
The greatest thing about gratitude is it’s all up to you. If you wanna feel more grateful for what’s around you all you have to do is start listing out what you’re grateful for. Are you grateful that you have a car check? Are you grateful for having enough money to go get some fast food check are you grateful for the fact that your parents are still alive? That and more is all up to you.
If you’re tired of having uncertainty in your life, how can you start having more gratitude? You can do so by being grateful that you’re uncertain. I know that sounds weird. It sounds overly simplified, but you can be grateful for what you do not know. Because once you know that you’re missing something you can start learning about it. You can learn about acceptance, and you can become grateful for the fact that you can accept your family for being the human beings that they are. You can accept the fact that your thoughts are just thoughts. They’re not true. They’re not facts. They are just thoughts of a circumstance.
Your outlook on life can change quickly when you have gratitude it allows you to expand in love and acceptance doesn’t mean that you are forgiving anybody. You’re just accepting them for being the human beings that they are. When you can do that, you will find more peace in your life Than you have in a long long time.