HomeRelaxed Male BlogThe 4 PillarsMan’s CommunityThe Folly of the Red Pill – EP 85

The Folly of the Red Pill – EP 85

Question of the Week By The Brotherhood of Men

If you mess up your life in the eyes of family and friends, how do you get it back?

Well, know that the phrase “messing up your life” is just a thought. It isn’t a fact. It is an opinion. That is all. You not living your life to the prescribed manual that your family has for you just means that isn’t how they would do it. It’s not right nor is it wrong.

Every event in your life is neutral it’s neither right nor is it wrong. It’s not positive nor is it negative till you apply thought to it. So the events that have happened in your life are viewed by you, and they matter to only one person, you.

Now you can choose to live your life by your family’s manual, that set of instructions they believe you should follow. Then again you can choose to love life on your terms. However, you do it it is up to you to be ok with that decision. Your family can create their own suffering but having any negative emotion they want you aren’t going to feel that emotion, You are simply reacting to their actions.

Main Topic

There. are some movements that have been going on for a while and I trip over different factions of them from time to time there is the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) and the Red Pill. Now I wanted to look and see if I could find anything about the red pill to be able to better understand it.

Did the preliminary search online and came across this Guardian article which is flat out doesn’t understand. It is written by a woke journalist. The Writer Stephen Marche defiantly has an odd agenda but he does have a conversation with a guy who is a moderator for The Redpill subreddit which has apparently been around for 10 years.

There are some telling parts to what The moderator is saying.

  • I noticed that the dating game wasn’t what I was taught – what my parents prepared me for, and what I learned from movies
  • I found myself putting in all this effort for nothing, it was very defeating. It’s not the way courting worked when my parents met.

One interesting thing that is mentioned here is,

We’re accused of misogyny almost daily. I won’t deny that the language is colorful and there’s a lot of emotion expressed by the men on the forum.

This goes against everything that feminists state about men in that we are not caring and that we don’t express our emotions. Yet when we do it is often misinterpreted.

Why are men turning to these movements?

The main reason I am seeing from these different groups is that they are disillusioned and so they decide to give up and either decide that it’s not worth it or that the field is stacked against them.

Is this true?

Not really it can seem that way. As masculinity is being shunned for all the good that it does in society there is something that has to take its place and many people look to feminists to do that. Yet as talked about before men and women process the same situation differently. While there are times for tact and men are good at that women are better suited for other types of situations. Can Women lead? Hell yeah, they can lead and they do a bang-up job. There are times though that man is needed. There is a time and place for everything a

At the core, the MGTOW and Redpill movements are men who get wrapped up in their victim mindset and give up. This doesn’t serve them nor does it serve society. Most of these guys like the moderator are actually Nice Guys and you know that nice guys finish last because nobody respects them.

Women don’t like Nice guys. because nice guys communicate in passive forms of communication. These nice guys are people pleasers and as we have discussed before people leaders are liars and don’t think for themselves. They wonder why they can’t keep a person around for long. That is because when manipulating another person it causes the person being manipulated to expel more energy than when you are in a symbiotic relationship. When one person can trust that you are going to do what you say, and not have to harp on you to do it. Women are actually often in leadership positions though they aren’t in the limelight quite as much.

I know many a huge burly man in my youth who wouldn’t step into the kitchen after his wife mopped the floor. Now was this out of fear? A little but it was also out of respect.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.