Been talking a lot about an unmanaged mind on some of the other channels I am on, and the fact that we often run around with an unmanaged mind. So many people want to sit around and complain about what is or is not happening in their life. They wonder why their feelings get hurt at the drop of a hat. Someone just happens to look at them and the person being looked at suddenly wants to know if the looker has a problem.
Many acts of hostility are done because of an unmanaged mind. The news loved to run with your unmanaged mind. The Politicians want you to keep your mind unmanaged. In short, you could say it is the root of all life’s problems. The fact that we are a species on this wonderful planet that is actually aware of our own sense of self. Yet we don’t access that sense of self hardly at all. Yet when those who do become successful we want to tear them down, and excoriate them for the hard work and thought they provided.
what is an unmanaged mind?
In short, an unmanaged mind is like a 3-year-old with a scalpel. Awfully cute but very dangerous. Another way to put it is that it is the root of all fear. You having panic attacks and anxiety attacks, depression, loneliness, and even suicidal ideation are all from having an unmanaged mind.
So what is an unmanaged mind? It is the unintentional thoughts you have throughout the day. The times that you find yourself angry are from an unmanaged mind. The sudden onset of anger or sadness or anxiety because you believe someone is laughing at you. Those are all from the unintentional thoughts you have. Your thoughts about your circumstance create your emotions. So if you are angry because your ex-wife sent you an email you believe to be unreasonable. That is your mind being unmanaged.
People who believe that their emotions just happen to them mean they do have an unmanaged mind. You don’t have to let emotions just happen. You can experience those emotions and if an emotion isn’t serving you then you can actually change your thoughts around the circumstance. If you don’t like the thoughts you have then you can change the thought.

What does hurt to have an Unmanaged Mind?
It doesn’t hurt anything at the root, however, if you want to be able to improve your standing. You want to be able to achieve whatever goal you are after. You have dreams you want to pursue. I am sure you want to be able to live your life in peace and fund the fulfillment you are after. Then you will want to start managing your mind.
When you are letting your life be run by your unmanaged mind. You will not be inspired to do something that could make a difference. An unmanaged mind will find ways to convince you that sitting on the couch is a better idea than working on your business. The unmanaged mind will find every day for you to play small in front of your woman, your kids, your boss, and anybody who you interact with.
Why is it important to have a managed Mind?
When you manage your mind You are able to achieve more in a day than many people are able to do in a week. When you manage your mind you will see when it is trying to get you to go back to your comfort zone. You will find those instances almost amusing and you can coach your brain to keep it on the right track.
When you keep your mind managed and you notice what thoughts you are having you can head the nonserving thoughts off at the path and change the whole trajectory of your momentum. instead of always leading yourself to the couch and playing games you can redirect your stagnate motions to your laptop and you can start writing. If you believe you are too tired to write you can actually notice that thought process and change it so that even if you “feel” tired you can still create the book or blog post you are wanting to create.
So why is it important to have a managed mind? Well, you are nowhere near as likely to be scared. Fear is a result of an unmanaged mind. You won’t run from a challenge nearly as easily as you would if you just lived life on the whims of your mind. If you manage your mind you will want to grow your possibilities and you will because that is what your mind wants to do. A managed mind is a brain with a direct link to natural getter-done motivation fluid.

How do you manage your mind?
The steps are few but powerful. the problem you will have is some of the steps are different than what you are used to. So you will find your mind coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why you don’t want to do that.
Practice Mindfulness
Do you know how said earlier that your brain was going to come up with all these different reasons as to why it wouldn’t work? This is what I mean. When I said Practice Mindfulness how many thoughts did you have that had the words, “This is DUmb”, “Not That”, “Really?”, “That doesn’t work for me” or something to that effect? That is your brain working on finding a reason to keep you playing small. Many people when they hear mindfulness want to say that mindfulness doesn’t work for them. They can shut their mind off like that. Mindfulness isn’t about turning your mind off and not thinking of anything. That is impossible. The very act of not thinking of anything is actually thinking of something. So you are always thinking of something at all times. The key to mindfulness is being aware of when you are thinking.
Mindfulness helps because you start to notice your actual thoughts. You will see those thoughts as they are formed and you can then see how you can actually redirect your mind to a different thought. When you see how you think you start to better understand that your thoughts create your emotions. Those emotions create the actions that create your results. Therefore you start to understand better, you can change your results by altering what you think
Be Intentional
You will struggle to reach your goal if you don’t intentionally head in the right direction. If you don’t become intentional in your thoughts your unmanaged mind will just go where it wants to go. That being to the couch with a PlayStation controller or just the TV remote in your hand. You will struggle to lose weight. You will find every excuse you can to read and not have to learn new ways to think. Your unmanaged mind will tell you that masculine men are scary and that you don’t want to hang with them because of toxic masculinity. That Unmanaged mind will struggle in finding the reasons why you are not successful at work. Why your marriage is failing fast and your kids nor your community respecting you? All because you don’t live life with intention.
You have to know where you want to go. You have to know how you are going to get there. Will you know how exactly? No, but if it doesn’t work you know that you will still keep moving toward your goal.
If you want to change how you look at life and what you get from your life, you need to start being intentional. Make plans for how you are going to reach your dreams. The plan isn’t going to get you there, but it will get you moving. The actual path won’t appear till you are trying. As you improve your ways of thinking your path and how to get your dreams will become even more apparent. So go out and try.

The Next Step
If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you