Let me put on my swami hat real fast. Ok, let’s see if I can read your mind. Hmmmmmmmmm…
I see that you have a dream. It’s faint because you have shoved it into the back of your priority list. Is that dream filed under a dumb idea? Who placed that thought there? I know it wasn’t you. You wanted that dream ever since it first entered your mind when you were a freshman in high school. But why is this dream that was once cherished so disregarded?
Is that a relative? I see a gathering of people you know and you are talking to someone. Is that your favorite uncle? The memory is faint what is he telling you? It’s about, something being a stupid idea. It will never work? You have to work hard and relentless to be able to retire and then you can do lazy stuff like that. Was he talking about your dream? Is that why you never pursued your calling? Because you listened to a guy who gave up on his dream and has resentment?
Ok It may not be exactly like that, yet you have a dream you never perused. It sits there are you think of it from time to time reminisce if you could have actually “made it”. You are thinking of it right now aren’t ya? What if you could bring that dream back? Show it some light and see if the passion is still there? Would you?
What if you could find the grit to strike off on your own? Find a path that allowed you to get away from the never-ending on-call status. Maybe you could be spontaneous and take your wife out of town just because. You haven’t done that since you became “responsible”. After all, that’s what your Favorite uncle said you were supposed to do. Of course, now you understand why there was an undertone of bitterness in your uncle’s advice of giving up on your dream.
So now you feel stuck. You are in the oilfield or maybe a truck driver wondering how you could have gotten so far off track. Shouldn’t you be higher in the company you are giving your life to? You get to watch your kids grow up from the cab of a truck maybe your son is struggling with becoming a man and you can’t be there to offer some advice because you are out in the middle of nowhere bringing in money so that your family can keep the lights on. What else are you supposed to do right, Leave that job and follow a dream you were told doesn’t work like a damn fool?
The Alternative
What if you were told that you could change your life? Maybe you have never tried to achieve a goal because you were told they aren’t worth it. Then again maybe you are fed up with providing value to a dead-end company. Perhaps the company is an amazing company to work with but there is something missing. You just are not being fulfilled. The job has lost its fun and excitement, or maybe you are just tired of being a slave to a commodity that fluctuates any time a world leader decides to break wind.

We all make choices that at the time seem like a good idea. They may be the needed solution for a particular problem but now that you are past that issue you just stayed. Why? Because it was nice and you knew what you were doing? Did it become comfortable? It happens from time to time. We settle. We become stagnate. Like, stagnate water it doesn’t support life. It brings fort the unpleasant smell of decay and rot. Is that you? Is your soul rotting and decaying? Is your relationship with your spouse falling on hard times? Is she still your spouse or a very close roommate? That feeling of being stuck and feeling like you are dying inside is common to many men who have let their dreams die.
Would you take that chance to become the man you and your family need you to be or do you just want to keep the status quo and stay comfortable? If you want comfort and ease follow this link. Yet don’t be surprised when you have high blood pressure and sleep apnea, because you will not grow.
If you want to grow and become the man you know is in you and show your Uncle that he is wrong. That your dream will work then you want this button. Just know you will not be comfortable you will question your decision but you will grow.

Meet the Brotherhood of Men
If I was to offer you a huge helping of Hope, would you take it? What am I talking about, of course, you would. My form of hope is a private group of 12 men.
There is a group of men who meet each week and they are dedicated to each other. This private group of men isn’t for just anybody. These are men who expect their members to take massive action. We can’t have people who get butt hurt just because they don’t buy excuses. We support each other as we struggle to climb any barrier. We understand the fear men face as they step out into the unknown.
The Brotherhood of Men helps you by having a close-knit relationship with each man in this group. You will know the details of these guys that you never will know from your other friends. They will know details about you that you never told your friends. These guys will be there to help you achieve your goals and attain your path. They will push you to levels you never thought were possible. These men will teach you a whole new definition of dedication.
What to Expect
So what do you get with this Brotherhood of Men?
The Brotherhood is a weekly meeting of men that helps each other from a hot seat. The man in the hot seat presents his problem to the group and the group can then offer their solutions. Each man has a turn at the seat so each man isn’t only asking but providing. We will meet through Skype at the scheduled time and the meeting normally lasts 1 and a half hours but the guys stay and talk longer at times.
There is also a yearly face-to-face meeting where we all get together and mastermind in person. There are also going to be exclusive camping trips with the members to get out into nature and get stuff done with the 3-day effect.
Do you want to have that better life?
Get the life you have wanted. Get a chance to reach the goals thanks to the motivating factors of the Brotherhood of Men. Join us we have an opening for you. fill out the form below and join up We want to see you succeed.
If you want to find lifelong friends and a group of men who will help you find your success then sign up below and Bryan will be in touch with you.