HomeRelaxed Male BlogThe 4 PillarsMan’s BodyThe Art of Challenging Yourself and Having a Challenging Life

The Art of Challenging Yourself and Having a Challenging Life

Our modern society is simply amazing. you can go out and find any luxury you want. Do you want food? Google Maps will help you find it. You don’t want to go out? Then you can order through GrubHub and have the food brought to you. You can find anything you want and have it brought to you thanks to Amazon. our life and its modern advances have made life easy. The risk of a challenge to get food or supplies is nonexistent.

For all that I love about our modern society and the wonderful advances due to the internet, we have it almost too easy. I showed myself this very point in 2022. when I went and hiked 22 km with 22 lbs upon my back. It was a big challenge for me. I realized that we need adversity in our life. we need the challenge of something hard to put our wits against. 

In 2023 I didn’t take on any personal challenge, and it showed. I was focused on making sure Relaxed Male was the primary focus. and though I am very pleased with the advancements my business has made. However, I knew that something was missing.

What are personal challenges? Why do we need personal challenges? Why in the world would anybody want to make their life harder than it already is? These are great questions that many people have. Here are my answers. 

Why we Need challenges in our life

The best example of why we need challenges in our life is to look at the satisfaction rate of most well-to-do people. look at society as a whole here in the US. right now you don’t see much in the way of unity. you see Antifa you see Racially charged groups making statements that they are being oppressed.

 Why all of the discontent? Why is there a group of young individuals That feel that they have to fight? My answer isn’t because they think that they’re making any true impact in society. They want to know they make a difference in their world. These people are mostly Young men, our products of a fairly soft life. The restlessness and discontent that these young men are expressing are thanks to the fact that they don’t have challenges.

 Now I hear the other side saying well they have challenges and they have a rough enough life. Yet do they really? They have laptops, typically Apple nice shoes, designer jeans, plenty of food, and a warm bed to sleep on. Where is it that their life is hard? A good example of the opposite is the people who went through the Great Depression. there was a lot of suffering, and this is true suffering. The farm was failing but they had nowhere else to go. if your farm was in the Texas Panhandle or the Oklahoma Panhandle you had to hope that you got enough rain to even grow enough crops for you because the Dust Bowl was going to wipe it away. There wasn’t enough money, there wasn’t enough work yet people pushed on and found solutions. They kept going. and that is why they are the greatest generation. They know what a challenge is. They all grew Gardens for themselves and their community. because they learned lessons while going through the Great Depression.

person standing on mountain

People today haven’t heard of or had those types of hardships. unless they are immigrants from another country. they had the hardships of their previous life. then they had the hardship of coming to America. then they had the hardship of building their life anew. These people are more balanced than any human rights fighter waving a professional sign whatever be.

 Why do we need challenges in our lives? because challenges make us better. challenges show us what we are able to do. We become greater people, more confident people when we are faced with challenges. A great example that we do not have enough challenges in our lives is the fact that so many young adults identify themselves as having anxiety. they identify themselves with an emotion. instead of living life there’s emotion. 

When we have a challenging life people are more confident. they’re more sure of their decisions. they accept that they are going to learn something as opposed to thinking they know it all. We need challenges to Humble ourselves. We need challenges to teach us important lessons.

The effects of not having a challenging life

So what is it about the lack of a challenging life that makes it a drawback? I mentioned a bit in the previous section. Many young adults today are driven by their emotions. granted emotions are important they color our memories. they shouldn’t be excuses as to why we’re not taking action. There are young people who are not taking part in life because they have anxiety. because they’ve never done anything like that before. 

Our life lacks meaning when we don’t have challenges in it. We’re always needing a good challenge. This is why challenging lives are important. To have to fight to get to someplace gives us a reward that is beyond any other reward we receive. We miss out on this when we don’t have a challenging life. It also shows up in other ways like when Gen Z is bringing their parents to Job interviews. Don’t! You are an adult grow a spine and do it scared.

Benefits of having a challenging life

What if you looked at a problem and you said I can do that? That happens when You Face challenges on a regular basis. when you accept challenges and you don’t run from them you take on a challenging life you have the confidence to take on bigger challenges than before. even if you fail you’re alright because that’s part of having a challenging life is that you’re going to fail repeatedly until you get it right. 

You are at peace, you don’t want to fight the world because you’ve already had the fight worked out for you. When you have had a challenge you don’t need to prove yourself to the rest of the world because you’ve proven it to the most important person around you.

 You are also a more loving person because you are more grateful for the wins that you have made. you are happier because you’ve experienced the lows in life. you are slower to anger because you see anger doesn’t provide any help to the solution.

 When you have a challenging life you have a better life. when you have all those different unexpected challenges you face them in a braver manner than if you avoided them or you had everything brought to you. 

a man standing in the water in front of a waterfall

Ways you can Challenge yourself

Many different ways that you can challenge yourself first off. I challenge myself just to go get food and eat it wherever it is you get it. you might make it even tougher you might decide you’re going to actually hunt your food. There’s a challenge. 

However, there are many ways you can challenge yourself, and push yourself to be better. A few ways to do this …

  1. Do a 7 Day fast
  2.  read one book a month
  3.  walk for 45 minutes twice a day no matter whether it’s rains or shines
  4.  find one thing that scares you and do it once a day
  5.  find new ways of getting rejected that one’s a tough one but you learn from it quick

 You see there are many many different ways that you can challenge yourself. All you have to do is look at what it is you’re scared of and see what happens if you do it.

 In 2024 I am going to be challenged again. I am not going to make my life easy. I plan on being challenged multiple times. The big challenge is going to be me getting The Relaxed Male to make money. but I also just completed my first 7-day fast. I’ve got three more that I’m going to do this year. and I’m more than likely going to turn one of those into a two-week fast because it seems like a good challenge. I want to show myself that I can do it. I want to see what my thoughts are about being hungry for 14 days. I want to have that experience so that I can be a better human 

So what is your challenge?

The Next Step

You can by taking the next step. You can have a relationship that is fun, loving, and fulfilling. You can have late nights of curiosity-fueled talks. All this is possible when you get coached.

Right now I am making a very special offer that will only last for a limited time. If you are interested in Getting coached for 95% off Then sign up quickly cause the space is limited and they are filling fast.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.