What is this pedestal?
It is understood that we love our wives. We want to be able to spend all the time possible, showing her how much we love and adore our wife. We start making comments about how wonderful and how great she is, and share with our friends, all of the perks and benefits you have to the most incredible woman in the world.
What if all of this constant adoration and worship of our wives that we do is actually causing her to love us less? What if we are not giving her a chance to really shine because we have put her on a pedestal that she doesn’t deserve? What if the roommate syndrome that you are going through right now is because you refuse to accept that she is human?
It feels loving but it’s not
I get it. It feels like we are giving all our love to this woman who somehow picked our ugly ass out of a lineup of men who are by far better looking and better shape, more skilled better storytellers better lovers, but yet somehow our wife looked at us and said you’ll do. I get how we become so hammered by the very idea that we were good enough for a wife. And because we are men and we are just like a faithful hound dog we become so excited and we fall in love all over again when our wife walks back into the room
Now I’m going to talk directly to the guys who have been married for more than 10 years right now. Think back to when you were first married to your wife that’s how you felt. I am sure. There was a time that you adored your wife, but now that you are stuck in the roommate syndrome you’re wondering how you got there no man that is how you got there.
Because 10 years later, our wife, though we still love her isn’t on the same level anymore. It’s almost as if she has let herself go. And we don’t understand how this happened. The fact of the matter is that the pedestal that we set our wife upon is what happened. We idolized this beautiful woman who took pity upon you that member of the unwashed masses. And so you’re happy you’re tickled you’re ecstatic, but now a lot of the glimmer and the shine and the optimism in the hopefulness has disappeared.
Why? Because of what the pedestal means. How it affects our wife. How it affects our relationship, and how it strangles the life out of a marriage.
The pedestal keeps her out of reach
If you think of a literal pedestal that she is standing on, you have lifted her up in your mind to a height that you can’t reach. Our wife wants us to love her yes but also wants to be your equal. She can’t do that when she’s standing Above you while you’re kneeling down y’all are out of arms reach you’re not as easily accessible simply because you put her on a higher level than you when she actually wants to be on your level.
It makes her uncomfortable
It may look like it is a good thing to have her on a pedestal, but your wife doesn’t want to be on there. She wants to be in your arms yet she can’t because she has been cast up high for everyone to see and on top of that, you’ve put her in the middle of the limelight. So she is standing out when she would rather be with you.
- it keeps your wife at arm’s length
- It makes her uncomfortable because she knows she can’t always perform at that level.
- She is human
- It takes one missed step and she will fall.
- You are putting way too much pressure on her
- She knows her flaws that you refuse to see
- You stop trying to better yourself because how can you be better than your wife?
She wants to be your equal
- she can’t when you are worshiping her.
- You keep pushing her away because you aren’t worthy
- She because tired of all the adoration and she can’t return the favor.
- She stops feeling sexy because she is on a different level.
She will let you down at times
- If you think she is a nympho in bed she will someday deny you.
- She will act aloof instead of having her attention directed at you.
- Stop taking care of herself
- Decide she doesn’t want kids after saying she does.
How do you gently set her down?
- Accept that your wife wants to be with you
- You show her that you are capable of being her champion by accepting her as the human she is
When she is on your level
She will sit closer to you – https://www.livescience.com/44980-partner-on-pedestal.html