
Podcast Survey
Listening habits

How often do you listen to The Relaxed Male?

How long have you been listening to The Relaxed Male?

How did you first discover The Relaxed Male

Do you think each episode of The Relaxed Male should be…

Do you follow or subscribe to The Relaxed Male?

In general, do you think The Relaxed Male is getting better, worse, or has stayed the same?

Please Expand on why you feel that way.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about The Relaxed Male? For example: things you enjoy, don’t enjoy, where we can improve?

On what platform do you typically listen to The Relaxed Male?

Which of the following places do you ever listen to The Relaxed Male?

Which of the following do you ever do while listening to The Relaxed Male?

In general, what topics do you enjoy listening to on podcasts?

Besides The Relaxed Male, approximately how many podcasts do you subscribe to or follow?

What are the other podcasts that you listen to regularly?

What is your favorite podcast?

What elements have you heard on other podcasts that you would like to hear more of on The Relaxed Male

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About You
Help me get to know you a little better.

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which best describes you?

Which of the following categories best represents your total annual household income?

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Whats your Favorite episode?

