HomeRelaxed Male BlogThe 4 PillarsMan’s SoulSociety Wants You Fat Dumb and Lonely

Society Wants You Fat Dumb and Lonely

I know it seems like I rail against society a lot these days. And yeah to a point I do. That is because I see so many directions that men are going off the rails. How often men find themselves in traps because they’re trying to satisfy the wrong people.

Many of these men mean well yet they are falling victim to the nice Guy syndrome. Others have been told, and they believe, that this is what you do to be able to find a good woman.

Since they are trustingly believing their professors in college and society influencers they are falling victim to the fact that modern society wants you fat once you dumb and once you’re lonely because when you’re all three of those you’ll do anything that’s asked of you. You’re easier to control.

Now I understand the sounds conspiracy theories, and there’s a part of me that fights against that whole theory that they’re just wanting you to be easily controlled yet why else would society want their men to be fat, dumb, lazy, and alone? So let’s look at that evidence for all three of these and let you make the decision.

Society Wants You To Be Fat

Now the fat side is more targeted towards the women, but the whole body positivity movement shows precisely why society gets it wrong every single time.

Look at any of the body positivity influencers out there none of them are living to be old. They’re dying off at 21, dying off in their 30s some are making it to their 40s like Cat Paus but that’s still way too young to be dying from a very reversible condition.

Yes Fat can be lost. You have to want to lose weight and there is a part of body positivity that I actually agree with. That is you have to accept yourself before you can start losing weight but to accept yourself and go OK well I’m just gonna stay fat. Isnt helping you it’s killing you.

Even Planet Fitness is getting into the act of saying that having out of shape men is good. The answer to that is no that’s completely wrong. Of all organizations, planet fitness should be telling you why being strong and in shape is better. Yet they are touting that it’s good for men to be soft around the edges to not be physically strong to have a little pudgy belly.

When you are out of shape. You can’t protect yourself very well. You get winded after running a very short distance. I’ve heard some rather out of shape men say well that’s why we got guns. No that’s not the point you can’t protect your family if you’re getting winded trying to run for cover. You’re not be able to find cover, if you’re not able to run fast enough when you’re out of shape, you cannot protect your family nearly as well as if you were in shape. When you think all you have is your weight to overcome an attacker guess again. If they get you on your back and you are just like a turtle, you’re screwed.

This is why one of the major reasons men need to be in shape they need that body pillar. So they can protect their family. So they can continue to protect their family. And live long enough to see their children, have grandchildren and possibly their grandchildren have children you’re not gonna be able to do that if you’re killing over at 35 years old, you’re not doing that if you’re killing over at 50.

Society Wants You To Be Lonely

Society also wants their men isolated. And they’ve been able to do so very easily thanks to the Internet and the past 10 years we have had the rise of Incel. We’ve had the rise of MGTOW. We’ve also had the introduction of Simps. None of these are honorable paths for men.

Simps are the gross exaggeration of the nice guy, without even expecting anything in return other than a video.

MGTOW Our men who have gotten so disgusted with not being able to get the results they want that they just take their toys and they leave society. This does the men know good and leave society without the men. This is the ultimate form of victim mindset these are grown boys saying fine. I’m gonna take my ball and go home.

An Incel have allowed themselves to be locked up inside their own mind they believe they have no hope. They think that they are going to be forever alone. And because they believe that they do actions that show that they are going to be forever alone, and therefore they become forever alone , they call themselves involuntarily celibate however, they’re very actions are what caused them to be celibate


Pornography on the net has always been easy to find, but it has proliferated in ways nobody saw coming. You can find just about any and every kink possible on the net whether it’s legal or not. But one of the big concerns that have arisen recently is that millennials and GenZ are needing ED medication.

And most of this is thanks too porn induced erectile dysfunction. Watching porn instead of getting out meeting girls and abstaining from flogging. The dolphin has caused guys to have no need to leave their living room they’ve got everything they need they have videos of naked women, a box of tissues, and their hand , because it is now easier to go look at porn than to go outside and face the possibility of rejection from a girl.

I understand that is an easy trap to fall into. I fell into it for a good 10 years and realized why my marriage wasn’t going the direction I wanted to go. So I had to make changes and get out of my comfort zone and actually make the ask to my wife and be OK with being told no not tonight maybe next week and those were the responses some of the time.

And now that AI is creating artificial cyber girls. The problem is only going to become more exacerbated because now you can go off and you can have your favorite porn star or favorite Hollywood starlet is suddenly going to start taking a very odd turn and pay attention to you and guys who live their life unintentionally are going to get sucked into this incredibly fast.

Society Wants You To Be Dumb

The final part is being dumb, or being accepting, whatever the “experts”, tell you. This was very evident during the pandemic. Those who were honestly asking questions were getting shut down ostracized kicked off of line in whatever form or fashion the dissenters could think of.

There are many examples of people putting up jokes and Facebook tagging them as fake news. This is all because they don’t want you to think for yourself. You need a hat to have a strong man’s mind pillar, and if you just accept everything that told you, you will blindly accept Anything. Much is that saying goes if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.

Yeah, society wants you to be dumb also.

How to fight back?

There is a way that you can fight back and it based around the four pillars of Relaxed Male.

Man’s Mind

Educate yourself. Watching television playing video games reading fiction. Books is all good but you also need to be learning stuff as you go. Listening to podcasts reading self-help books. Reading books about what your interest in. Are all great ways of strengthening your mind. Attend classes conferences Part an automobile university learn new things are also wonderful ways to strengthen your mind to improve your skills that you have as a man.

Man’s body

This pillar is you being in shape. The Mans Body Pillar means you stop being the marshmallow, bodied man proof that women want to see strong in shape men look at the comic book movies. All the Marvel universe there won a fat dude there, and if he was, he was an evil guy look at how agent Carter reacted Steve Rogers, whenever he came out of the super soldier. Women like men to be strong, like men to be in shape, they want to know that you can protect them, and that you will be living a long full life by their side.

This also means you need to eat more than steak and a baked potato throw some green beans in there. Throw some spinach in there throw some collard greens in there throw some other colored foods in there eat some aubergine and carrots and zucchini and cucumbers have a salad from time to time. Doesn’t mean you can’t eat meat please you need to continue to eat animal protein to stay healthy and strong, but you also need the vegetables along with it. We are omnivores, so we need to eat a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Man’s soul

This is the most difficult pillar to have but yet it is also one of the most fulfilling. This is because you are answering your call and finding your purpose. Many men just think that their purposes to make money yet these men are some of the most unhappy man you will find. The man who aren’t looking for their purpose the man who are just going to work because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do often have the highest degrees of burnout

You need to find your purpose. You need to find your wife what gets you excited and get you moving in in the morning. What gets your attention every time you hear someone mention it. If you can’t answer that that’s your purpose to find your purpose.

Man’s community

While a man’s soul pillar may be the most fulfilling the most important is the man’s community so many of us men have stopped having a group of friends that we meet with on a regular basis. It is sad. Men need 6 to 10 Inner Circle friends these are the friends who we can call up at 3 o’clock in the morning and say I need help and you know every single one of them will come across country to come to your aid, these are the men you need to be spending the most intentional time with. these men will help you become better faster and stronger. These men will help you become a better husband for your wife. A better father for your kids. They will be the juice that propels you to success. And without these men, you have no get up and go. so to be able to have a strong mind you need a strong community. To have a strong body you need to have a strong community. To have your soul be fed continuously, you’ve gotta have that band of Brothers that you share your life with.

Does this mean that your wife is not important? Absolutely not your wife is incredibly important in your life but to for sake, the men in your life for your wife is like cutting your legs off before you make a run in a marathon. You lose what makes you a man. You have to have that band of brothers around you to keep your masculinity noble.

The Next Step

If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.