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Building Self Confidence

What is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence is the belief in yourself. It is the knowledge about you that allows you to do what you do. many people have self-confidence that is a bit low. While others have self-confidence that is screaming from the top of a mountain high. While others are sprinkled in between.

The funny thing about self-confidence is that you have full control of your confidence. It is completely dependent on you to say how high you want it. So how do you change your self-confidence? Tony Robbins has some thoughts on how you can do that

How does Tony Robbins build up his confidence?

Now if you know anything about Tony Robbins you know that this man is a walking talking battery. He walks into a room and he energies everybody. It would appear that he doesn’t have a bad day. Yet I can assure you he does and here is how he gets that confidence back up when it falls.

Become Somebody Else

What? How is that supposed to help? I want to be true to myself. Well if the true you is a low-energy pessimistic person and you are wanting to know how to be a high-energy life of the party person. Then it sounds like you want a change. You don’t like who you are at the moment so you crave a change. So how do you change it?

Decide who you want to be and model yourself after them. Yeah, it will feel weird and you will believe you are a fake. Till you get a little bit of approval and that approval will keep growing until you are a different person.

Prime Yourself

Just like a pump, you can’t just take off going full bore. You have to prime the proverbial pump. You change the way you feel by changing how your move. If you are low energy you walk sort of balled up. If you want to be bigger than life then you are going to move differently. You are going to act differently.

Tony talks about how he primes himself and he does that by setting aside 10 minutes each day just for himself.

He pumps himself up with music and he changes his movements.

Then he Spends 3 minutes working on his gratitude.

He then prays for his friends and family

Then Visualaises what he wants to get accomplished.


many people believe they are one way and that is all they believe. the funny thing about beliefs is that they are just thoughts we perceive to be true. Now these beliefs about us can change and you can actually change them at any time. You just have to believe that you can believe.

What he describes in this video around belief is the model. You have a belief (A THOUGHT you perceive to be true) That creates an emotional response. That response causes you to act in a certain way. Which creates the results.

So if you want a better you, you have to change your thoughts about who you are.

Shift Your Focus

What are you focusing on? When you seek you shall find. What are you grateful for? Where do you want to change in your life? Why do you want to change your life?

Create Momentum

Changing your way of moving allows you to easily change your emotional state. If you want to be more energy then you have to start moving more.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.