HomeRelaxed Male BlogThe 4 PillarsMan’s MindNeed inspiration? Get outdoors

Need inspiration? Get outdoors

Well look at that mid-week and your get up and go and have gotten up and left. You are not feeling the drive. You might have been looking at a blank document for the past hour. You are needing help. How do I know well you are reading this post right now.

We all drift into the inspirational doldrums from time to time. It happens. How you get out of the dry spell is dependent on you. Some people free write while others bounce a racketball against a wall for hours.

What if you could kill two birds with one stone? What if you could find inspiration and Destress your life just a little bit and all at the same time? It is possible. Now unless you cheated and looked at the title of this post, this solution will come as a surprise. The solution is to get outdoors.

What? You can’t do that! Is it because of those deadlines that are approaching? the deadline for the project that you are stuck on? The one you aren’t working on because you don’t have any inspiration on what to do?

You have time. You will be surprised at the benefits that are poured upon your head by getting outside. So let’s look at these glorious benefits I’m talking about.

Fresh Air

Nothing better than fresh air in your lungs to help clear out the cobwebs that are jamming up the works upstairs. Your brain needs the oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements floating around in the air to function properly. Combine that with a well-balanced meal with all the proper animal-based fats and proteins alongside the needed plant-based nutrients and you have a high octane mix that is perfect for sparking brilliant ideas and opportunities

What do you live in the city? There’s pollution in the air? There is more pollution indoors than there is outdoors. With how tightly everything is hermetically sealed these days you have more chemical elements and other nasties that you are breathing in while you are sitting at your computer. That air is often dirtier unless you are living in Zabol, Iran which has the air quality of Boise City, OK during the dust bowl.

Also, the quality of our air has been improving generation by generation the difference between 1970 and today is astronomical. You are breathing cleaner air than most people like to believe so do fear the outdoors. The air is clean. The air is fresh from the trees and other plants.

So step outdoors and take a deep breath. If you cough, good! You are forcing that indoor air from your lungs. So breathe deep and get to thinking.


While you are outdoors take deep healthy breaths. You have a choice you can stand at the front door and inhale deeply enjoying the light-headed feeling you get. You can also add two benefits together and get to walking. Walking isn’t only good for your body but it also has other benefits. Specifically when you are needing some inspiration.

Remember when I said fresh air has oxygen for your brain well there is a way to get that oxygen to your brain faster. That is by getting your heart rate up. Which causes your blood to flow faster. This in turn delivers more oxygen to your brain. The more oxygen your brain gets the more efficient it can think.

So get out breath deep and start hoofing it around. a small tip for you as you go walking. You may try going without your phone or other electronic devices. Walk without music or podcasts. Let your brain just chew on the dead air. I call this free-thinking. much like freewriting you just let your brain work on the task at hand. It will piece weird ends together and suddenly jumpstart a wacky idea that may lead to a good idea that then morphs into an incredible idea.

Change of scenery

Another benefit to getting outdoors is that you change your scenery. Your mind can and often gets bored when it is faced with the same thing day in and day out. Even though we are creatures of habit. We get up and commute to our desk in the living room and proceed to wow people with our inspiring prose. There are times that your brain says I got nothing and will keep that up till it gets new stimuli. The best way to do that is to go walking. Walk around the block you may get an idea as you see a random squirrel play hide and seek with a dog.

You may see an example of the point you are trying to make play itself out at an intersection as you walk down to your favorite coffee shop. As you walk don’t keep your head down. Bring it up. Look around take in the city or the countryside as you are plodding down the road, breathing deep.

You get some sunshine

whether it is cloudy or a bright sunny day. The last benefit I would like to point out is that you get some sunshine. The sun though received some bad rap recently. People are starting to come around and realize that you as a person need to have the sunshine on you. Your body needs to have the rays strike your skin and have a slight tan.

The biggest is Vitamin D is produced by your body absorbing ultra violate light. Vitamin D complex does a multitude of good for your body and is an essential vitamin. That is why they put it in Milk. Vitamin D helps your bone stay strong and healthy. Vitamin D is also needed for mental health. Your brain needs that vitamin. The key is moderation. Don’t spend 12 continuous hours in the sun, but several hours a week can make a huge change in your mental health.

The bright healthy sun also improves your attitude. You don’t need to look any further than in the wintertime. when people get the winter blues or Seasonal Affected Disorder. That happens, many believe because you are not getting enough of a specific spectral of light that is found plenty in the sunshine. Either way, you work better when you are in a good and positive mood. The best way to get that happy mood is to get out in the sun see the scenery and breathe deep as you walk.

There you go slap your tennis shoes on. Get up and take a brisk walk around the block a few times. Set aside an hour to just stroll around. Look at what is around you. You can and will find surprise inspirations all over the place. Also as Mr. Miagi said Breath deeply, Breathing is very important.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.