One of the largest issues us men have is when our brain just likes to run. This can often be in the middle of the night or while we are needing to get something important done. Many times our runaway thoughts and our unintentional thoughts are about things happening in our life, that caused us, worry, anxiety, fear, and other assorted emotions like that.
So for this week I wanted to talk about why mindfulness is actually very helpful. How you can pay attention to the thoughts you’re having so that you can redirect your mind and compartmentalize, your thoughts in a way so you can process them at a later point.You see, when we have unintentional thoughts, where we get ourselves into Thought Loop errors. We turn to buffering, or other actions that tend to lead us away from our goals.
Many people want to think that mindfulness is just meditation. They want to believe that you’re supposed to just turn your brain off with meditating. That answer is no. You can’t turn your brain off. You can’t or you will die.
Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to the thoughts that you are having at that moment. This helps you see when you are having panicked thoughts. This is when you can tell that you’re having thoughts that don’t serve you. You’re actually exercising your front part of your brain. You use logic with the thoughts that you are having. Without it, you are going to often be in almost constant fight, flight or freeze mode.