HomeRelaxed Male BlogNatural LeadershipHow to Start Run or Find a Mastermind

How to Start Run or Find a Mastermind

So masterminds look like they may be something you want to try. You found some folks who want to get together and see if they can improve their life helping each other. Awesome! Congrats on this big step. That is where this post is going to help you. IT will give you links to help to get a mastermind group started and running with as few problems as possible.

Starting A Mastermind

Photo by Tobias Mrzyk on Unsplash Starting off with Stephanie Chandler’s post on Starting a mastermind. She has several great points in this Forbes article. For instance, you want to choose the right people. Jim Rohn’s famous quote you are the sum of 5 people closest to you. This means that you don’t want someone who is just along for the ride. So your good friend who just likes to complain about life while drinking beer probably isn’t the best choice. THough he has been your good friend since 3rd grade. The people who are going to be in your mastermind want to get better. So you need the best you can find who will help you get better. Do not be the smartest person in the group. Logistics are also important. How often are you going to meet and where? is everybody going to skype in or use Uberconfrence? These are important questions will need to be answered. Are you going to meet once a year in person and spend a full day of intense brainstorming? This is also an option you want to look at. She does mention that you should draft a nondisclosure agreement. if you have someone who you think will babber you plans all over the place then they really don’t need to be in your group anyhow. A matter of fact statement should suffice. if you want to share something just ask the group. Then there is the process which is very important. You can follow her example which is very involved, or you can follow the style most people have and that is a hot seat format. where one person addresses the group and then the group gives solutions to their problems. So check this article out and see if it is something you think would work for your group. Another example of how to start a mastermind group give some other tips and views on what to do with a mastermind group. They have a little less specific angle on running a group that might not seem as overwhelming.

Tools for Keeping Track

Now masterminds have a lot of things going on. each person has a set of goals that they are trying to achieve. There is the weekly goals, the monthly goals, and even the quarterly and yearly goals. Each of these need to be tracked so that each person knows that they are actually making headway. Mastermind Better is a tool that can help you with that. IT is a free tool that also has a $10 a month option that adds more functionality. You can also use an Excel spreadsheet to get the job done.

Find a mastermind group

Maybe you live in a place like I do. Where if you mention mastermind the locals look at you like you have lobsters crawling out of your ears. True story, I once posted that I was looking for mastermind members in a local Facebook Group. My post was removed because they didn’t want illegal or scammy posts on their group. So that is actually the origin of why this week became Mastermind week. Anyhow. Say you don’t have any friends that want to improve their standing. You can still find people one place is A mastermind list. These folks have a directory of sorts that allows for you to apply to be in a mastermind group. Another place to find is facebook. I am actually surprised to see that there weren’t any groups that help facilitate masterminds so I have started a facebook group to do just that. So if you would like to find new members please join up with the Mastermind Network. Also, I do have a question. Would you be interested in having a mastermind directory of sorts? This is an idea that is banging around in my head and thinking it could possibly help. if so please let me know in the comments below.    

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.