Remember back when you were first married? What do you remember about it? The laughter, adventure, the late nights of sex and conversations. You and your wife were full of hopes, dreams, and ambitions.
Now let’s fast forward to today. That marriage is somehow different. Your once-alluring bride is now the lady who sleeps on her side of the bed. Where did it go astray? You now find your home still one of love, but it is a weird mixture of frustration and distance with little intimacy. The sex is infrequent and just going through the motions with no passion. Your dreams have faded as the house has less joy and isn’t as warm as it used to be.
Where Did The Spark and Fire Go?
The roommate phase of your marriage is a hard obstacle to understand. It sneaks up on us after many years of life. There are the bills and the disagreements that show up around scarcity of money. We have unresolved fights that are safely tucked away in a closet in our mind, hoping that those old emotions don’t crop back up.
As we play it safe, the passion fades and soon we hit the roommate phase of marriage. This is where the lingerie has been put away and pajama pants and sweats have taken over as bedroom attire. The communication has dwindled to just passing “I love you”s or random discussions about what’s on television. No passion-filled embraces in the kitchen, but maybe sitting and watching a movie on Saturday night is the closest you get to a hot date night.
The roommate phase is a test for you. Can you get out of this comfortable malaise? If you don’t find a way to get out of it, you start to show your kids that marriages are joyless institutions that contain joyless sex. You will find yourself wondering where the years went. You didn’t get to walk the Camino de Santiago that you both had wanted to do. If you don’t overcome the roommate syndrome, you may face the loss of your family. Your wife may become so discontent that she finds new adventures somewhere else. We all know the drama and frustrations that come from a divorce.

I Was There
I went through the same thing. Married for almost 30 years now. I had the roommate phase for 20 of those years. It crept up on me. Had weeks of frustration and resentment build as I tried to figure out why my wife stopped wanting to have nights of great passionate sex. Gave up thinking that sexless marriage was just what marriage was about. You grew old with each other and you just live together. We had our ups and downs and I caused many of them. Yet we were committed to each other. Then as I turned 40, I realized that I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I started making changes. I decided I was going to grow and become better.
As I improved and built a foundation to live my life, interesting changes in the marriage started happening. The sex wasn’t back to the honeymoon phase, but there was a change in attitude towards sex. As I learned what actually needed to be communicated to my wife, the topics were more engaging with my wife and she was more engaged. The arguments are getting fewer and I don’t have to fix everything anymore. I can relax and enjoy my family and be an active part of their lives.
There Is A Solution
I can thank my midlife crisis for the eye-opening revelation that I had let so many years slip past; the last 20 years of frustration and resentment had built up. I wanted to blame my wife for all the suffering I had. I had done so much for her and received very little in the way of thanks or “take me you stud” to show for it. We weren’t talking; we were just two roommates who had sex with each other on rare occasions.
That’s when I realized I was a part of the problem. I tried changing my wife with no results. Come to find out you can’t change the other person. You can only change the man in the mirror. When you work on him, everything else changes. Suddenly the need for alcohol drops away. The desire to view porn oddly enough fades into nothingness. When you find out how to relax your mind, you have a first-class ticket to grabbing your bride by the hand and seeing that look that you yearned for. That long-lost come-hither stare that lets you know your dear sweet love of your life still has that element of vixen in her and she wants you, buddy.

Here’s The Deal
With the 3-month package of “Finding Your Bride”, each week we discover ways that you can rekindle the romance and passion in your marriage. You also discover more about how you can have those tough conversations. The discussions you avoid but you feel you need to have with your wife. You will start tearing down the walls of hurt feelings and see that there is a world of fun and passion just waiting for you.
- Find ways to address the old hurt feelings that you are nursing.
- You find a more effective form of communication.
- Find out that you can still be playful in your marriage.
- Drop the resentment and see your wife as the woman you married.
This package price is for the next 4 people. Once they have taken it, this price will be gone forever. You can get this 3-month coaching package for $300, which is 95% off the full price.
Your Turn
If you would like to see your wife open up to you and have a marriage that inspires your kids to do better, then sign up today, because your wife and your happiness are worth it.
Don’t let another day of frustration and hurt feelings go by. Stop the cycle of arguments and pain. Click the button below and sign up for Finding Your Bride and live life completely arm in arm with the woman you love.
Don’t let another day go by feeling disconnected from the woman you love. Click the button to join “Finding Your Bride” and start transforming your marriage today.