HomeRelaxed Male BlogPodcastLiving Your Life in Fear – EP 174

Living Your Life in Fear – EP 174

What does it look like when you are living your life in fear? When you have a constant state of anxiety and fear how does one man cope? In fact, how does anyone cope? That is a huge and very important question to ask

I come across so many men who are living in one form of fear or another. The Gentleman who is talking in this post shows all the detail of why living in fear causes you so many different forms of suffering and anguish.

Anyone else in here dealing with a soon to be ex that still wants total control of your life ? She weaponizes the kids against me (2/7months) they don’t live here so I have to FaceTime them on her time only and if I miss the time allotted, she’ll get all crazy . This woman evens goes as far as blocking me on all ways to contact them when we aren’t on good terms ( when I don’t let her have her way ) what is the best way to go about this because I just want to move on and have my life without her trying to control me.

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Some of the points that need to be made

How do you move on?

  • Stop playing by her rules
  • Start working on yourself
  • Build up your 4 pillars
  • Get your priorities straight
  • Set Boundaries and stick to them

Weaponizing the Kids

Yeah, she is because she sees that she has an influence on your life. That is all people want when they are like that. Bullys want to know they have some type of power over other people. Vengeful ex-wives are the same way. Their life is not making waves and they know they can create anxiety in their ex. So they do it over and over. Cause you are willing to let it happen.

But the Kids! Yeah, it sucks that she is being that type of woman that she doesn’t care about the kids enough to hold them, prisoner, over your head. This is the only leverage she has and desperate people love to use any leverage they can find.

Another thing you need to do is talk to a lawyer. Yeah, I get it you owe your soul to the last one. However f you didn’t get a good representation from the last one then you will want to find a different one.

Now I am not a lawyer I don’t play one on tv or on a podcast I have gone through the whole kid’s thing with an ex-girlfriend who wanted to play similar games. So record every interaction you have with your ex, Let her know that you are recording your calls and the talks you have with the kids all correspondents go into that file. If you call and the channel is blocked show proof that it is blocked and document all of that too.

Most of all stop living your life in fear!

This is the killer. This is why your ex is able to be the tyrant you are perceiving her to be. You are acting afraid when you could actually be pitying her.

other links given

Tests women do

The fear we have will hold us back and keep us from growing

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.