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International Men’s Day

Yes! it is international men’s day! The day to celebrate all things manly and allow men to be men!. So what does that mean? Well, it is a time to celebrate men being men. Yes, men can be goofy and often seen as the comic relief of sitcoms and other forms of Pop Culture. Yet men made all that is around us. It’s not that women couldn’t do it but it is the strength and fortitude inside of men that built the skyscraper. The drive to provide for our families, allow us the creature comforts that many rely on today. The ingenuity and creative spirit of men give us the light bulb, the music we hear on the radio, the movies we go and watch with our families.

There are several wonderful traits that make men, the men our society needs and craves for. And for International Men’s Day, I wanted to list out some of the things that make a man manly.

Men are hardworking

We get up and we do what needs to be done. We may not like it but we do it anyhow. Men do dream and they yearn for something more. Yet many men don’t reach out for that aspiration it may be because they feel they can’t or they will do it someday. The Successful men know that there isn’t a someday on the calendar and they take the time to pursue that dream. You, my good sir, need to do that too. Men become great men when they get out in that discomfort and drive for their quest.

The women in our lives find us more attractive when we have a purpose and are making strides to improve our own standing. Get the job done. Your sense of accomplishment is often the greatest reward.

We find our identity in what we create

We are creators. This is because men are producers. They make the world happen and give to society their work. While boys are consumers and take for themselves, men create for the benefit of creating. The act of us putting in the work allows us to find out who we are.

Do we change our identities from time to time? Yes. I was a photographer for a while. Then I became a Sailor for a time. Entered into the tech industry so I was support for a good while. Transitioned into a truck driver. Finally, I am a men’s coach. Each of these things allowed me to give to the greater cause. I am also a Dad, a brother, a son, and a friend to many but a good bud to a few. I create connections and better minds. We MEN create.

Men are Fierce

People talk about the momma bear but forget about the papa bear. Yeah, when momma needs back up and dad has to step in you know there is trouble. We all read stories about the dad who killed a man because he was hurting one of his kids. As Jordan Peterson has now famously said and is one of my favorite quotes by him,

A good man isn’t a safe man. A safe man is a very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control

Jordan Peterson

We are dangerous. We will kill hurt or maim if needed. That is one of our core responsibilities in life. Is to protect. This is why men join the military to protect their country. This is why men become Policemen and firemen, to protect their cities. We protect those around us. We protect our neighbors and our families.

This is why men need to be strong and we look to other men who are strong physically and civically. We inherently know we need strong men to be there for those who need our help.

Men are passionate

Men are often viewed as being without emotion yet watch dad as his baby girl is graduating high school. You will see the biggest titbag around. He will proudly stand there and smile with tears of joy running down his cheeks. When we do anything with a passion we do it completely. We love our families with a fierce passion that isn’t rivaled by anyone. We will fight a hopeless fight if it means that our family has one more day. We are passionate about many things and men use that passion to fight, to grow, and to live their life.

It is time for men to stand up stop with the I am so horrible and step into your masculinity because without it real women wouldn’t find you attractive. Without your masculinity, you wouldn’t be keeping our country free. Without men being men there would be no Dad jokes. Without men, we as humans would not exist. So go out and have a steak or a burger or whatever meal you like. You choose where you want to eat today and grunt in approval. Enjoy your life. No go and be a man!

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.