Men talk to each other in a way that women and some modern males don’t understand. You hear talk of how toxic masculinity is the problem with society and part of that toxic masculinity is how men talk to each other. They mention how we tease young men as they start to develop facial hair and we suggest putting some milk on that peach fuzz and letting the cat lick it off. Some folks believe that is mean and hurtful. When in reality not exposing your son to those innocent taunts is setting him up for failure
We enjoy trash talk
Men like to talk trash. It is a means to build bonds and to test each other’s wit and how fast we can think on our feet. It is a fun and challenging skill to have. To be able to talk trash and then back it up, cause if you fail at walking the walk you will get piled on even worse. This way it teaches a man how, to be honest, and to not be boastful.
The ribbings are good for us
- They show the rest of the group that the new guy can take it.
- It is a means of understanding new guy
- It builds bonds
Men talk directly
Proper communication is direct. To hem and haw around the topic doesn’t serve anybody. Because what is implied by one man is easily misinterpreted by another guy. This is a skill nice guys have to fight off for the rest of their lives. it is so easy to fall back into the habit of beating around the bush that we lose the effectiveness of a good direct line of communication.
Men talk assertively
- Nice guys don’t like to talk assertively
- Grown boys communicate in three infective ways
- Passive
- Aggressive
- Passive-aggressive
We teach our boys how to handle their emotions by ribbing them. This helps boys grow thicker skin and not be overly sensitive.
Many people don’t like this kind of talk because of the following reasons.
they find it intimidating
they find assertive communication to be mean.

Have to agree with ‘your a dumb shit’, ’cause honestly you’re a dumb shit. Theirs a fine line between shooting the shit an forcing your ideal of “masculinity” onto others, giving them a bad perception of what makes a man an what doesn’t. Call me a “grown boy” whatever that means, seems like projecting honestly, but I digress. Just seems like regurgitated Andrew Tate, Alpha an Beta male bullshit. Read a couple of more articles, an yeah. How many divorces have you’ve been through? Just curious. Seems like your projecting your insecurities ’cause well, sounds like you’re insecure an need to be dominant in any situation your in ’cause that’s an inherently male thing, I get it. As team America World police said an I quote (Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes – assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn’t appropriate – and it takes a pussy to show ’em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes.) Theirs a fine line between being a dick or being a pussy or in your case an asshole. An that’s you haha. Asshole.
Married to the same woman for over 28 years at the moment. Thanks for asking
It is Interesting that you felt compelled to make a comment. And that is because the fact that you needed to so weirdly push back against what I said, tells me that I must’ve really struck a nerve. That is absolutely OK. You can push back against what I say.
But due to the fact that you feel the need to say so many cuss words and that you resorted to name-calling in this reply tells me how close I actually got to the truth. However,I am glad that you did take the time to respond. You are on your journey wherever that leads I hope you find joy.
This is a load of shit. Quit promoting bullying. I can stand up for myself just fine and I don’t care for the ‘trash talk’. What you going to accuse me of being a grown boy who doesn’t like assertive language? I find the language I’m using here to be pretty damn assertive (accusing you of promoting toxic behavior). So if you find this message ‘mean’ or ‘intimidating’ then your are by your own definition a ‘grown boy’.
Interesting how you have gotten worked up over a set of thoughts. I would suggest you go and hang out with a group of men and see how toxic their actions really are. The misunderstanding of what masculinity is in your mind tells me how I got really close to something you are deathly afraid of finding out. I hope your day gets better and I am glad I was able to compel you to reach out and tell me your thoughts. They are fascinating every time.