What happens when the pressure of life gets too much? How do so many men act like life doesn’t bother them while you are sweating bullets? Frustration is a huge emotion when you are in a stressful situation.
Examine why you are having all this pressure
You are running to get the kids for your 4 hours of visitation. Yet you have a boss who is holding your job over your head. Stating that if you aren’t at work when he says you will have plenty of time to play daddy. Then you have all the different hoops that your ex-wife is demanding that you jump through all kinds of hoops to be able to get the court-appointed visitation times.
Then you have all the lack of funds. You are living on the wrong side of the tracks. In a roach-infested apartment. Squeeking by on less than half of the funds you had when you were married. While the ex is going on a trip to Jamaica next month. So yeah there is some pressure.
is it a lack of time?
Why do you not have enough time in the day?
You have the same number of hours as anybody else.
Where does the lack of time come from?
It comes from a lack of discipline and time management.
You aren’t mad at who you believe you are mad at.
So many times we want to take our frustrations out on other people. These are the people who you believe are at fault for your suffering. Those people may be your boss, your ex-wife, or her new boy toy.
Yet who is really at fault? give you a hint it’s none of those people.
Why does frustration cause so much suffering? It is the feeling of fear that it isn’t going to end. Why will it not end? because you are in control of the frustration.
What causes frustration?
Frustration is from you allowing yourself to lose control over your life. You are busy letting others control every aspect of your life and you wonder when you will get a turn. That is the big question when will you get a turn to control your own life?
Frustration is also from the thoughts and fears you have about the circumstances you have at the moment. Why does your Soon-To-Be-Ex push your buttons so? Why is she able to get you so angered? What if you didn’t play that game? What if you chose to not get angry anymore? what if you chose to let the chains of frustration rattle to the floor?
To do that you have to stop looking at life as though it is happening to you. Start acting as if your life is yours.
What are your thoughts about the circumstance?
The biggest way to beat frustration back is to know where the frustration and stress are coming from. Like any emotion and feeling, that emotion is coming from you. More specifically from your thoughts about the circumstance.
How to alleviate your pressure.
Now just because you realize that it comes from you doesn’t mean you now going to be free from frustrations, anger, and other negative emotions. Remember life is 50/50. However, there are ways that you are able to handle your emotions, especially fear-oriented emotions.
Talk to your Band of Brothers
These men are here to help you when the crap gets too thick and deep. Use them often. They have the ability to take that crap and turning into gold. All you have to do is talk to them.
Whoop up on a tree
Yeah if you have a lot of pent-up frustration anger and resentment. Grab a baseball bat and start waylaying a tree. Yell and scream as you are doing so. Let all that bad energy out. Don’t worry about the tree unless it is a sapling you are actually going to help it more than hurt it.
Seek Counseling
If your friends aren’t helping and have knocked over a whole forest of trees and still no resolution is in sight then go talk to a counselor. There could be deeper lying problems that They can help with
Now if you are sure that it’s not any deep-seated problem that you are facing and you are still struggling with time and want some help in fixing a frustratingly common problem then reach out and talk to me. We can look and see what this problem makes possible and you might be surprised.