Believe it or not, your woman wants to know if you are man enough. They need to be assured that you aren’t going to flake on them. That is what the 4 pillars of a relaxed male does, it helps men be there for those time their wives and girlfriends need them. He keeps himself up for these tests that will eventually happen.
Now when I say tests I’m not saying these are tests that women even knowingly do. It’s not having your girlfriend’s best friend try to seduce you just to see how loyal you are. These are tests women have been applying to their men for ages and those who fail, start having problems in their marriage while those who pass are stronger in their bonds.
Why the test?
Because they want to know how strong you are. Not just physically but in your convictions too. A woman likes to have a man who has a purpose. They like to have a man who will be there for them. Who will not change course just because someone in their circle tells them to? These tests have been around for many years and you can even find similarities to these in old bible tales and quests knights have to do for their fair maiden.
We all have to face these quests and the better you do the more your wife will be able to relax and that will allow you to relax.
Are you willing to give up your dreams for her?
How many times have you started a project and I mean really started a project and the endeavor is starting to gain steam? Only for your wife to start getting moody and wanting to know that you aren’t paying enough attention to her? Yeah for the last year of you not doing anything she didn’t care about how much you shared in each other’s world then out of nowhere she is demanding your attention? Why?
Example woman wants her man to stop digging tunnel
This is the test, Are you willing to give up on your dream or pursuits simply because she wants your attention? Many a nice guy has bombs this test. They take their project and go full stop, simply because their wife or girlfriend was making noise about their progress.
What she is asking you is how real is this dream of yours? Can I stand between you and your dream? Can she? Only you can answer this. She may get emotional or even downright resentful about you pushing on. She may have thoughts that you are going to leave her behind. She may come up with projects that she seriously wants you to complete. What do you do? Do you ignore her? Leave your task to do her task or do you work twice as hard to get her project done so that you can turn back to your project? This again can only be answered by you.
She isn’t doing it to ruin you, in fact, she wants you to succeed. Even if she doesn’t understand what you are trying to accomplish She wants to know that you are going to push on to your goal even as a hail of arrows comes flying your way. Are you man enough?
Are you willing to give up your friends for her?
Especially when you are getting engaged or freshly married. Many times women will see if they can get between you and your friends. She will complain that you are going out with your friends more than you take her out. You are talking to them from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed. This really happens when you have a true band of brothers. This is a test many many men fail at and that is evident to those who go through a divorce and realize that they don’t have any masculine friends to turn to. They made their wife and kids the center of their world and they are worse off for it.
It is small part jealousy and partially wanting to see how much freedom you are willing to give up. This isn’t malicious because if you persevere she sees what your dedication to her will bring. She will understand why you are called to do the thing you do.
If you are not willing to ditch your friends then you can actually prove to her that she is safe. You won’t just toss her to the side simply because someone wanted you to.
Are you willing to stop being better for her comfort?
Many times when you start improving yourself, and your wife isn’t. Those improvements can make her uncomfortable. because you are reflecting back to her what she is failing to do. Are you willing to let her stay comfortable, or are you going to let her have her power and let her choose what she wants to do with her life?
We each have our own choices and after we make them we want to be certain that we made the right choice. Many times we will even resist and hold on to our original decision not even realizing that we can change our minds at any time.
You are the leader of your family. So lead by example. even if your wife comes up with reasons to make you late to your gym. Go and improve. She will see the benefits and may want to join you on your adventure. Then again she may want to stay in her current state. To give her the power to make her choice by not pressuring her to change is just as caring as what you are doing for yourself.
So let her be uncomfortable, She can find her why and get healthy or she can choose to stay in her current shape. Yet if you give her the space to feel her emotions and you keep doing what you are doing she will see that you aren’t willing to change for anybody and that you are dedicated to being with her through it all.
Now sometimes there are women who just do not want you to succeed. These women are actually pretty rare. Though if you listen to Red Pill followers you would think that all women want you to fail and that simply isn’t the case. Women want men who will lead by example. Yet If you find a woman who is just so unsure of herself that she takes any change in you as a threat to her security. You have a choice to make. You can change your life and sacrifice your health and well-being for her comfort, or you can let her decide what to do with her life.
Now, these aren’t the only tests women will do. They will often test you in many ways each day. How you handle those will determine how your relationship is.
If you want to start improving yourself and how you see the world look into my coaching programs. Together we can remove the nice guy from your life and see what is fully possible in your relationship.