Many people hear discomfort and they shy away from it because the word brings up images of their skin being flayed off, or they have to lay on a bed of nails. You know, horrible things being done to them. Yeah, they are right none of that is very comfortable. In fact, all that sounds downright painful.
Yet pain and discomfort actually are good things to have in your life? They help you gain the skill you need for the task at hand. Discomfort is needed in your life to teach you about resistance and perseverance. All of these seem to be fairly abstract. However, when you experience them you know precisely what they mean. Going through a period of discomfort shows you exactly what you are capable of doing.
Discomfort is a lot like a catalyst
a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.
So as you go through whatever trial you are going through you find that you are stronger and better because of that period of discomfort.
You see discomfort isn’t just pain. Though what we perceive to be pain can be involved. There is the pain of failure. It may just be the discomfort of learning something new. I am fighting through this discomfort now. I’m trying to get the coaching business up and going. It takes a lot of work and new skills to get out of the old way of doing things. There have been a lot of discomforts and still a lot more discomfort has to go on.
Trying something new is what makes learning uncomfortable. We feel lost and unsure of ourselves. The confidence we need is not at its fullest and things we can do to increase our confidence is not easy to do. Yet we do learn it if we take the steps and make an effort.
Everything great has to have a moment of discomfort. There are examples of this all around us.
The Chick Hatching
Ever watch a baby chicken hatch? They are having to work to get out of the egg. The struggle is an actual struggle for life or death. Yet the mother hen doesn’t do anything to help. Why? Because, if you help that baby chick get out of the egg they are weaker. They have to have that struggle of getting out of the egg so they can survive.
The Butterfly Emerging
The butterfly is much like the chick hatching from its egg. The struggle to emerge from its cocoon is what is needed for it to get the fluid to the tips of its wings. If you help a butterfly out of its cocoon its wings are shriveled and never fully expand to their full glory. All because they didn’t have the discomfort of fighting out of its cocoon.
Want more tomatoes on your Tomato vine?
Ask any old farmer how to get more tomatoes. They will say that you have to take a broom and beat your tomato plants. The act of smacking your tomato plants with a broom or even just giving them a vigorous shake stresses them out. This stress gives them a reason to make sure they propagate. Beforehand they were very happy plants they got all the food and water they needed why be in a hurry to expend extra energy to make tomatoes when they can just hang out and enjoy the sun?
Want more apples on your apple tree?
This is very similar to tomatoes. If your apple tree isn’t producing strike it with a hammer. or trim some limbs off. The act of damaging the tree doesn’t really hurt it it just gives it a reason to do what is needed. Crepe mertles are the same way. You need to trim the branches back from time to time so they flower more.
Want more success? Do the thing you fear.
Use fear as a compass. There is actually very little that will cause you irreversible harm. The discomfort you are experiencing is nothing more than thoughts you have in your mind. That is your brain making sure you stay safe and comfortable. Being safe and comfortable keeps your wings small. That comfort keeps you weak and lost and afraid
Are You down for the struggle?