The Model Series
- The Model
- Circumstance
- Thought
- Feeling
- Action – This episode
- Results
Your action
What do you want to do?
Is the action serving you?
How this line fits into the model
This is what we do based on how we are feeling.
Our actions lead to the results.
You have to change how you think of the circumstance if you want to change your action.
Take trying to lose weight.
- Circumstance – You are 50 pounds over weight
- Thought – You cant stand how you lookin the mirror
- Emotion – disgust
- Action – Eat to avoid feeling disgust
- Result – You dont lose weight and so you still cant stand yourself in the mirror
This is where we often do the things we really don’t want to do.
Ask yourself does this action serve you? No. because the results aren’t what you are wanting, are they? So you have to start changing your thoughts about the circumstance. You actually have to start being intentional in what you want and how you get to the goal.
Intentional model
- Circumstance – You are 50 pounds over weight
- Thought – I have a plan to lose the weight
- Feeling – determined
- Action – Follow a diet and get exercise on schedule
- Result – You start losing weight
You see how the action will change with a different thought. The new thought changes what you are feeling. That new feeling will help you with your new action. But remember that hippocampus discussion from the last episode? Yeah, you have to be very deliberate in your thoughts because the habit center of your brain wants to take over and it takes a lot of energy to change a habit. So you will fall back on old habits from time to time. This is where you have to use something like a journal to see your thoughts and work through your own models. See if that model is producing your results. If so keep at it. the small actions and the results from those actions lead to you taking massive actions in your life.