About Us


Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Results


Helping men discover that the limits they face are actually limits imposed by them. I show men that life is limitless and their dreams are actually attainable.

How is that possible?

Buy helping men come to understand that their thoughts are the chains that bind them to their world of misery. Men to see that divorce is a furnace that removed the unwanted parts. That they can live life on their terms and they can find a woman what wants to join him on an adventure.

Who Is The Relaxed Male?

The Relaxed Male Coaching is a premium coaching program that helps men stop seeing themselves as a victim in their relationships. That their wife is wanting them to step up and lead the family. You can make the changes your family needs when you choose to change.

With the use of the 4 Pillars of a Relaxed Male, men find their strength, purpose, knowledge and community is all attainable. You just have to do the one thing so many men aren’t that is get out of your own way..

My Vision

Showing men that their relationship can be better than they believe. The key is how they are thinking about it.

My Mission

My mission is to take thefrustrated man who see their relationship as a passionless institution and help guild them to see that their smoking hot wife is still there and waiting for you.

This happens when men stop reacting to their circumstances and start living an intentional life.

I transform men from frustrated nice guys to competent men living their life to the fullest on their terms. Doing so, in turns helps society become better by showing other men what is it like to stop worrying about everyone else and start relaxing.

What People Are Saying

Some of the men who have gone through the process and have seen results.

Todd O
Tourist Form Spain

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Clayton O
Tourist From Thailand

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Asad Xiong
Tourist Form China

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Your Coach

Bryan Goodwin

Bryan Goodwin is a certified coach Helping men to find their path and understand that the circumstances you are in, are not permanant and will not last. You can have the relationship and life you want. All you have to do is want to change.