So what happens when you compare yourself to others? Dreamlet talks about the truth of what happens when you compare yourself to others. The narrator talks about the 5 different mindsets you can face
When you meet someone new and you see that they have something that you don’t. Sometimes it just makes you mad. Maybe it is because they have something and take it for granted or perhaps they flaunt it and you feel that that shouldn’t be done. Either way, you get angry about what you don’t have.
This is often when you see that someone has something that you believe you have strived for and the other person has naturally. YOu wished it was that easy for you. Yet because of the jealousy you are feeling you are not willing to give that other person a chance.
Perhaps you see someone who has a car or a job that you have been dreaming about. You could feel neutral towards him you aren’t angry but you aren’t fawning over them either. You are just there.
This is often the celebrity. People admire what they have accomplished and so when you see then you are happy to see them. You want to be near them
This is when you meet someone and they make you feel like you can accomplish your goal. You feel the energy they give off and you want to get to their level.
There are some things we can’t change like looks.
You need to compare yourself to yourself and move at your own pace. He talks about how if you see where you have been and not where others are you will find that you can actually find that lofty level 5 mindset and you will aim to be like that person you are comparing yourself to.