Today’s Video might be viewed as a bit controversial just because of who I have chosen to be the presenter. The Speaker today is Dr. Jordan Peterson, and he is talking about the meaning of life for men.
Jordan starts by talking about how the most disagreeable people are men while most agreeable people are women. He talks about how the disagreeable men are easily going to say screw it and go off and play video games all day.
He then proceeds to talk about how the demographics of his talks and why they are the majority of men. From here he goes on to talk about responsibility and how men have to have some type of responsibility for their purpose. Men as a whole have to a responsibility or they become slobs and have no aim in life.
This talk as a whole is very interesting and I am just now really delving into Dr. Jordan Peterson’s thoughts and why he is oddly considered a political figure though he is a professor at the University of Toronto.