HomeRelaxed Male BlogNatural LeadershipAre you Becoming a Leader?

Are you Becoming a Leader?

Leaders we have them and we can be one. Sadly many people don’t become leaders they don’t know how. There are people who feel that they could be a leader but don’t know how to get people to follow them, or the potential leader feels that people don’t respect them. Being a leader is tough especially if you don’t know where to start. So that is what this weeks link post is all about? Becoming a leader. These are 2 of these posts are from blogs that I have lots of respect for when it comes to finding that inner leader that is trying to claw his way out.

Becoming a better leader: 7 Steps you can take now

The First site is from Entrepreneur On Fire, If you don’t know this popular podcast you may like it. John Lee Dumas puts out a lot of content. In fact, he has inspired Kate Erickson to start her own podcast called Kates Takes. And that is where this post can be found. Kate talks about being a leader and 7 different steps you can take to become a more effective leader. What I like about this particular post is that it doesn’t have the same old tired advice as walk tall because you look more authoritarian, and other crap like that. Kate has some real and useful advice you can use to improve your leadership skills. She talks about finding mentors. Now, these don’t have to be someone you see every month or something. These can be mentors through a proxy, for instance, books or podcasts. You can find many people who are amazing mentors that you can listen to. Another great piece of advice is something we all can do to help improve ourselves and that is Do something that makes you uncomfortable. There is also the tried and true affirmations that you can speak aloud every day. along with learning something new. The moment you stop learning is the moment you start to fall behind. Plus many more points that she expounds on. So give a read and take some action. [click_to_tweet tweet=” Thanks @katelerickson for your blog post about becoming a leader. It was mentioned on” quote=”Thank Kate for her hard work” theme=”style5″]

8 ways to become a more approachable leader

I bet you know someone who is a great leader. Yet you are not able to approach them. They give off the air that they would be too busy for the likes of you. Well, that can be a drawback to a good leader. They are placed on a pedestal that requires a small sacrifice before you can approach. The writer of this next posts 8 ways to become a more approachable leader, Joel Garfinkle has some easy and thoughtful ways you can build a relationship with the other folks in your team. These are simple things like Say Hello or Offer Help. These are simple almost too simple of a concept to really work but they do and Joel explains how to do it right and how to avoid common pitfalls when building these relationships. For example, Have a sense of humor but don’t use cutting humor at another person’s expense. So if you find yourself not being approached by your team as much as you like try these 8 tips. [click_to_tweet tweet=”Hey @JoelGarfinkle I heard about your post about 8 ways to become a more approachable leader on ” quote=” Tell Joel about reading his blog post” theme=”style5″]

Are You A Leader at Work

There are times that you may wonder how can you be a leader at work. The team at Tony Robbins layout 5 qualities you can use to improve your leadership. The 5 different qualities covered are Are you emotionally fit? which is a good question to ask yourself. and if not then how do you get yourself balanced emotionally. Are you open to growth? There is that Growth mindset again. Can people grow and improve or are they stuck? If you see them as a growing and developing person your leadership will be better received. Are you supporting your colleges? Do you offer support or are they on their own? This is important if you want your co-workers to know and understand that you actually care about them. Be resourceful many times thinking outside the box is the best way to lead a group to success. use all the talent your team brings to the table. Finally, Tony’s team talks about Embody your Core Values. What are your core values? do you represent those values? Are you oozing the very essence of what you believe in? If not you might want to change your values or your habits [click_to_tweet tweet=”@tonyrobbins Team has a great post about leadership. It was mentioned on ” quote=”Let Tony Robbins team about the mention” theme=”style5″] So are you becoming a leader? Where do you get your inspiration from to grow and increase your ability to lead other? Share your thoughts down in the comments.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.