The Problem with our problems
- Our thoughts about the circumstance often create our problem
- The problem is that of comparison
- We want the problem to be a bad thing when it may actually be good.
- Many times we get mad at problems because we are thinking intentionally
- We want to think we just solved a problem and so we shouldn’t have any more problems.
- Our solution to a problem just makes more problems appear. This is how we become better. We level up our problems.
- Life is 50/50
Define the problem.
- What is the problem?
- Defining the problem is, you, taking control of the problem. You are defining the problem. On your terms
- Ask Yourself these questions
- How do you see the problem?
- How do you WANT to see the problem?
- This is how I have been looking at the problem
- How do I actually want to look at the problem? – This is a very powerful question to ask yourself.
- Is it actually a problem?
- When we don’t look at our problems with intentional thoughts we let our mind get to work on buffering and avoiding the real problem. This is where mental spin and confusion and feeling helpless come into play.
- We run from our problems.
- Why is it a problem?
- Break your problem down to the very core of the issue. Why is your problem a problem?
- You have to process your thoughts on the problem.
- If you don’t you will all or dirty painful thoughts to get in
- Dirty is resisting the emotion
- Make your thoughts about the problems as clean as possible
- If you don’t you will all or dirty painful thoughts to get in
- Define the problem as positively as possible and in as simple terms as possible
- Breaking a problem down like this you are taking control of your thoughts, and control of the problem too.
Resolving the problem
- After you have processed your thoughts then you can start resolving your problems
- Take Full responsibility for your part of the scenario.
- Make a plan
- Take action on the plan
The Real Problem
- Resisting the opportunity to grow
- If you do not break your thoughts about the problem down you will allow more problems and more thoughts about the problem and this will muddy the process.
- Your mind wants it middy that way you stay safe and where your mind feels comfortable.
- You will be tempted to blame
- You will feel more frustration
- are we thinking the problem is a problem or are we looking at it as an opportunity? Which one is more troublesome?
- Many times we make problems out of things that actually aren’t problems.
- This is why the model is so handy. We can see our thoughts and adjust them.
- You can also change who you are blaming for the problem.
- many times the problem stops being a problem if we take on the responsibility
The Next Step
If you’re struggling with thoughts or limitations around what is making you play small in life, then getting coached by Bryan is your next best step.
No more feeling frustrated, lost, or hopeless about being a victim.
Getting coached by Bryan will help you overcome your self-confidence blocks and discover what is truly possible in you