What is holding you back? The root cause is fear. Yet as I have talked before we run from fear. We avoid feeling fear in almost every aspect of life. This is where courage in the face of fear is most needed. Yet we hide from that fear by masking the fear. We often do many different activities to hide from the fact that we are feeling fear. This is numbing yourself.
When you are hiding from fear or any other emotion what you are really doing is not addressing the problem at hand. that problem is a thought that you are having. It doesn’t matter what the thought is. If the thought is creating a fear-based emotion then when you run from it you are denying yourself the chance to become better.
Why are you numbing?
The key to all your ability to get up and go achieve what your desires are is that you have to stop numbing yourself. That is what overeating drug abuse alcohol abuse or any other item that could be termed as addiction, or distraction from a thought you are having. Instead of working on the thought and seeing how that thought does or doesn’t serve you. We often just shove it out of the way and try to bury it. Yet it is interesting how that buried body just keeps rising back up and confronting us time and time again.
So why are you numbing?
What do I mean when I say you are numbing?
What do I mean when I say numbing? Say your ex-wife says you need to pay more alimony. What does that do to you? Make you angry, anxious, or something similar? Many guys will display anger and then turn to liquor or if they are in a state that allows marijuana to be legal then they may strike up a bowl. Others turn to food, work, video games, or something very similar to that.
Numbing is the act of us denying an emotion their time. Yes, emotions have a life span and they will get old and stale if we don’t use them when it is time. Stale emotions are just as unpleasant as a stale piece of bread or potato chip. Though swelling a stale chip is actually easier than a stale chip.
Resisting an emotion
When you are trying to force yourself to feel something other than the emotion that is at hand that is resisting emotions. We often do this with fear-based emotions but it can happen at any time.