Well, Valentine’s Day is coming up real quick. Many guys like to get stuff done early. However, there are even more guys that wait until the last minute. Though we don’t want to be this guy we often are. We think from time to time of something we would like to do for Valentine’s Day. But then the idea just kind of dribbles out of my ear and we don’t think about it until today. Then you think crap! What am I going to do?
There are many things you can do. A lot of guys think that this is the time that they’re going to get lucky. While other guys like to ham it up. But like many of us guys who are stuck in roommate syndrome, we find that coming up with inventive ideas is a little tough.
We have an exercise that particular mental muscle in 10 or more years. So what do we do? How do we add a little bit of romantic spark to a typical ordinary run-of-the-mill Valentine’s Day? Can we make this day of love mean something special? The answer is yes we can and here are five examples.
Make her supper
Now this one can be a smash out of the ballpark type of experience or it could be a real Snoozefest. The issue with this is what are you used to cooking? Are you a hamburgers and hotdogs type of guy? Have you ever made anything from a recipe? If the answer is no then this can be one of the most wonderful experiences that you give your wife. Especially if you have never really cooked for her before.
We have all had that one friend who tried to cook for their girlfriend several years ago, and he burnt the duck. The orange sauce was clumpy, and the soup somehow turned out blue. We can make these failures, the highlight of the meal. Bringing chicken out while it still has a little bit of flames on it could be something to laugh about. Yes, you will have to lose a lot of humility. Your ego will take a major pounding, but your wife will see how hard you tried to place her. And that goes a long way towards your wife. This allows for y’all to have the experiential intimacy that many couples need and gives you something to talk about. Like why is there not more blue food?

Now the big thing that you want to do after making all the food and you consume the food is yeah you may want to try to drag the wife off to bed, but I highly recommend you clean that kitchen after you’ve used it. Because if you’re not used to making lots of meals, I can guarantee you that the kitchen is probably going to be a disaster, or that may just be my cooking style.
If you’re not sure what to make there are lots of sites that provide recipes. You might do a search for how to make a romantic three-course meal for your wife.
Plan accordingly. Look at how long it takes to make this meal. This is something many people don’t realize birds take a long time to cook. Sides of beef take a long time to cook. So pay attention to what the prep time is for each dish. And adjust your plans accordingly. So if you’re gonna be in the kitchen for five hours and you want to serve your meal by 7 o’clock in the evening. That means you’re cooking at 2 pm.
Scavenger hunt
This one also takes a little bit of planning but can be a lot of fun, romantic, and even a little bit sexy. It can take one hour or more. You also will need the help of family friends, her friends, possible family members, or other people you can trust to provide the next steps.
You might make the different prizes that she gets at each. Stop to mean something in particular. Like maybe they point to the first time y’all went to the zoo. And maybe that’s where she needs to go. Then again it may be just a little scavenger hunt around the house. And she finds different articles of clothing at each stop.
The choices are limitless and only held back by your thoughts. Like I said, you could make this as fun and lighthearted or as romantic and sexy as you like. If you wanna a tip do a combination of both
A trip out of Town
If you have the funds, you might take just a small trip to the next city. You don’t have to get an extra extravagant luxury hotel experience, but I don’t recommend Motel 6 either. No digs on Motel 6. I stay at them often. But you do want to spice the experience up just a little bit more. Several hotels have large two-person showers now which might mean you get a little romantic shower together. You can go out and experience a new restaurant. You can go and check out an art museum and go to the zoo. This also allows you to just take it easy and can also allow your wife a chance to unwind from the house in the daily grind.
Incorporate the kids
If you and your wife have kids, then maybe you let them partake in the festivities too. This shows the kids that Mom and Dad do love each other. And that is an important experience that children need to see from their mom and dad. Not necessarily that they have to be X-rated but to see that mom and dad do love each other. When mom and dad do show signs of affection to each other, it puts kids’ emotions at ease.
If you’re cooking at home, the kids could be the maître d’s and the waiters they could even be allowed to eat at the dining room table with you. They all get to shower Mom with the gifts that they have gotten Mom and let them be as excited about the adventure as you are.
If it is a scavenger hunt around the house then they might have the clues to the next stop. The kids want to help and like I said they want to see Mom and dad having fun and loving each other.
Love notes to the max
The last one takes a little bit of time too, because you wanna write these out by hand. Then cut them out by hand. How many love notes can you make for your wife? 25? Maybe 50? What if you did 150 love notes? Then you started hiding them everywhere. Yeah, she would find a lot at the beginning but for the next week too maybe even a month down the road, she’ll still find the occasional little love note that you put out there for her. It’s one of those little gift gifts that keep giving and helps to reassure her that you do truly love her. If you run out of note ideas again a good Google search will reward many answers.
So now that you have no excuse as to why Valentine’s Day just has to be a normal day. What are you gonna do? How are you gonna make this Valentine’s Day a little special? Doesn’t have to be some bank-busting extravaganza, but just show her how much she truly means to you.