HomeRelaxed Male BlogPodcast10 Podcasts That Men Would Benefit From Hearing

10 Podcasts That Men Would Benefit From Hearing

With today being International Podcast Day, I wanted to share the 10 podcasts men would benefit from listening to. I do like to share podcasts that I find interesting or insightful. Most do not have any type of bias. However, I do have my own biases. So you may find yourself gripped in a thought loop error. If that is the case then please do your thought work.

No Agenda Show

Now this is a new one to the list and may set some with Emotional Childhood into a small tailspin. This is because Adam Curry and John C Dvorak host this long-running, 3-hour show. What I like about it is not only do they, as the show suggests, not have an agenda nor do they let anyone off the hook as they often proclaim everyone a shill from every side.

The other thing I like about this show is that it shows you that Value 4 Value works and it works well. Adam wants everyone to start a show and the model he recommends is the Value 4 Value and he puts his money where his mouth is and runs his show with no advertisement. and still, he has his audience throwing money his way. They work hard to get to be knighted and there is a whole ceremony around it.


The Order of Man

This is a long-time returner to the list of podcasts. Ryan Michler is a man who talks the talk and he is working hard to make his life better. Ryan is a man who works tirelessly to help men become honorable and have integrity in themselves. He is helping men to reach the goals they set with his system based on the 12-week year. He is having lots of success with his 12-week Battle Planner

The Order of Man comes out 3 times a week. There is the Interview show that comes out on Mondays then the AMA that comes out on Wednesdays and the Friday Field notes with just Ryan giving his thoughts. If you are struggling with fighting off the stereotypes that society has painted you then Ryan and the Order of Man is right up your alley.


The New Man

Tripp Lanier is another great coach that helps men find Freedom Love Aliveness and Peace. His podcast was the market proof I needed myself to start my podcast. Tripp’s way of coaching is fun and light yet, it gets serious when it needs to be. His means of being able to help those he is talking to to pull out their main fear is for me a master class of coaching. Whether you want to learn about style, relationships, or just how to pull your own head out of your butt, this podcast will help in all those facets.


Alive and Free

Bob Gardner and his way of looking at the world is so eye-opening that I see that being at peace is possible. Especially when I am wrapped up in my head and emotions. Recently Bob has added a guest host named Lee who also uses Bob’s methods of helping people change how they position their bodies so that they are able to let the pain and suffering in their minds and bodies go. If you want to listen to someone who challenges you on your beliefs and gets you to ask is that really? THen Bob Gardner and is podcas will amaze you.

The Freedom Specialist

48 Days Radio Show

Dan Miller has helped thousands if not millions of people find that you can actually love the work you do. His show talks a lot about starting entrepreneurs finding their niche and running into their own freedom. Yet he also helps people who want to stay employees to find their peace in where they are happiest. If you are looking for tips and tricks or possibly just some inspiration on keeping on your path Dan Miller can help.


Positively Undefeated

This podcast is out to tackle suicide. Sadly the majority of suicides are men who have lost. The host Burl Stricker is out to have the stigma of suicide and help people find the strength to keep on. Because each day you don’t succumb to that demon is another day you have won. This podcast is part of a relatively new nonprofit called ;Even One Less Yet the show has been running for a couple of years. Burl doesn’t shy away from religion and other topics that many people seem to be afraid to look at.

Positively Undefeated Podcast


From a tough life and sleeping on a pee-stained mattress to a leading CEO of a supplement company Andy Frisella is one man who knows what he is talking about. His podcast RealAF is a show that tackles many different topics and has several different formats. From Questions and Answers. All while also tackling today’s current events. Sometimes Andy’s diatribes can get a bit heavy-handed but solid nonetheless.


The Stephen Mansfield Podcast

Stephen Mansfield is a man all about men. Now you may not agree with his politics, I know I haven’t around certain topics but he is passionate about helping men become better men. That is what this podcast does.


Dream. Think. Do.

Mitch Matthews is a man of immense positive thoughts. He helps people to find their why plan out a strategy and then most importantly go out and Do It! Often his podcasts are interview-based but also have many good episodes that are just him and him alone. If you are wanting to get something done this podcast will help you dream it up THinking it through and then Do it.

Mitch Matthews


The Relaxed Male Podcast

If you weren’t aware of it The Relaxed Male also has a podcast. This show comes out each week and helps men to change their view of the world. Look at their circumstances as opportunities and not as a time to be a victim.

Relaxed Male Podcast

The Next Step

You can by taking the next step. You can have a relationship that is fun, loving, and fulfilling. You can have late nights of curiosity-fueled talks. All this is possible when you get coached.

Right now I am making a very special offer that will only last for a limited time. If you are interested in Getting coached for 95% off Then sign up quickly cause the space is limited and they are filling fast.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.