HomeRelaxed Male BlogPodcast10 Podcasting Apps Better Than Spotify

10 Podcasting Apps Better Than Spotify

With today being international podcast day, I’m breaking from the norm and messing up my SEO and we’re talking about podcasting apps today.
The two biggest podcasting apps out there are Apple podcasts and then also Spotify. I get that traditional podcast apps are easy to use. Some have books, plus your music and it does it all for like 12 bucks a month.
There are apps out there that are way better for podcasting specific than the apps that come installed on your phone.

Why are they better?

And I hear you ask, but I have everything I need right here in one app so how can anything be better than an all in one? The answer is three main topics No extra ads, better privacy, And Smart lists, show stability.

No extra Ads

Now we hear ads in podcast all the time summer host read some are programmatic ads yet did you know that in between podcasts there actually aren’t ads? You are being sold to thanks to the extra ads some podcasting apps insert in between the shows episodes you are listening to.
In any other podcasting app, Free or paid, There are no extra ads that you have to listen to. Yeah, kind of a shock isn’t it? You don’t have to be sold to a continuous basis when you’re listening to podcast on normal podcasting apps.
So if you’re tired of all the ads that you get from the podcast and from apps like IHeart and Spotify, think you might enjoy the list below because these will be on a whole different level.

Better Privacy

Speaking of Advertising, do you know what you don’t have on the. Most popular podcasting apps? They take your user information, like What do you listen to, and how much you listen. Then apply it to their ad network. This means you actually don’t have any privacy on Spotify or iHeart. Apple Podcasts isn’t much better they track your usage too.

Features that make your experience better

While Apple Podcasts is pretty good with finding the shows you subscribed to. They are woefully lacking in allowing other newer and better features from showing up in their app. It does what it is supposed to do and give you podcasts and lead you to premium podcasts.
Other legacy apps do much the same thing. They let you listen to a show but that is about it.

Show Stability

One this Spotify is terrible at is deciding that they don’t like a show or an episode and poof! It’s gone. You can’t find it on Spotify anymore. Maybe the show was talking about something they deemed misinformation yet it had lots of valuable info. Yet because Spotify says it’s bad it’s gone. How do you find that show again? You have to get a different podcast app to listen to it.
This is because The episode isn’t gone. It’s just removed off the Spotify index. It’s still showing up in the RSS feed. It’s just not going to be on Spotify simply because they don’t agree with the information being shared. So you can have a complete RSS feed and find all the episodes of a show that they have up, or you can hope that like Spotify don’t get a Wild hair up there, butt and drop a complete show because it might hurt somebody’s feelings.

10 best podcasting apps

So what is a better app to use? There’s a lot of apps that are better for podcasting than the main ones everyone uses. They use them because they’re there and you don’t have to go look for a different app that may not work right or the learning curve for the new app may be so steep that it becomes an aggravation instead of allowing you to listen to the shows you want to listen to.
These are all valid reasons as to why you want to stay with your podcast App. However, if you weigh the pain of no privacy, continuous being sold to and more that ease of learning may not be so bad. However, many of the podcast apps listed here have other features other than here’s a podcast you can listen to it.

Podcasting 2.0 features

The big one is that these podcast apps have extra features added to them. Everywhere from value 4 value. To podrolls, which is a podcast discovery feature. Live notifications, so you know when your favorite podcast is actually streaming live. You also have the opportunity to see who is on the show and see where those people have gone on other shows and talked more. There are more features being rolled out all the time. So let’s take a look.


The Fountain app is one of those Podcasting 2.0 apps that is just knocking it out of the park not only do they have value for value, they are also incorporating many of the other tags too.


One of the big features in Fountain. People are able to make their own clips from shows and are shared through the app. You also can share those clips out onto different social media sites.


Fountain has a strong community element built into the app. Besides for the sharing of Clips There Is of feed that connected to noster. There are feeds that allow you to just see those people you are following, but also globally. So you can find new podcasts and new people who might be interesting to you.


If you wanna know when your favorite podcast is going live, so you can listen in thanks to the Live Item Tag. Most legacy podcast apps do not support you being able to listen to live streaming podcasts. This is because they don’t accept the live item tech


Fountain also does a great job with the value for value. You can boost your favorite show. You can send a booster program and give feedback to your hosts. You can also stream money on a per minute basis.


Are there portions of a show that you don’t like to hear? Maybe there is a segment that you typically find very boring. Fountain allows for cloud chapters.


Podcast are even Four people who are hard of hearing. Many podcasts these days have transcripts and those transcripts can be played in the podcast app. And Fountain supports those transcripts.

Podcast Guru

This is my go to App for listening to shows. It has the Smart lists. That allows me to separate my shows out into different categories that I want. So I have my Coaching playlist. I have my podcast about podcast playlists. Have my learning new things playlist. They are continually updated as new episodes are released.
Allows for


Support your host by sending them money in Satoshi form. You can do this through boosts, or through boost grams. Then you can also stream your sats on a per minute basis.


Listen to the segments that you like the most by jumping ahead thanks to chapters. Their segments that you don’t like you can skip those thanks to chapters.


One of my favorite discovery tools out there is the pod roll. This is recommended podcast that the host set up. And if the podcasting app allows for it, you can see the recommendations. PodcastGuru does just that.


Come across a portion of a show that is hard to understand? Transcripts coming to play Geer PodcastGuru supports transcripts and is recommended for those who are hard of hearing.


Pocket is one of the older podcasting apps out there. They started out as shifty jelly pocket cast, and was then bought out by automatic, the same people who make WordPress.
From the UI to the Smart list, Pocket Casts is one of those good general all around listening apps you can find.
One of the biggest features of Pocket Casts is it Support for video podcast. That means you can actually watch real video podcasts and not have to go to YouTube to watch them.
It may be light on podcasting 2.0 features, but it does accept transcripts and rapid updates, Thanks to PodPing


One of the first apps that accepted and implemented the live item tag. Podverse is one of those great apps that shows you what Podcasting 2.0 is capable of and does it eloquently.
Biggest drawback for Podverse in my opinion is that it doesn’t have smart playlists but that could be coming soon.


Now this app is unique in that it is a progressive web app or PWA. That means that what you see on your browser also works on your mobile phone. It has all of the features available in Podcasting 2.0 specs. And Sam the CEO of true fans is quick to add new ones as they come available.


I didn’t want to throw one legacy podcast app in here that I find interesting pretty and good to use. That’s where Castbox comes into play. It’s a good general use podcatcher.


Here is another progressive web app that allows for several different tags to show up. From the person tag to the Value for value. This podcast is improving with every iteration they put out.

Anytime Player

Honestly, I just discovered this app three days ago. So I don’t know much about it. I am starting to just kind of put it through some of its pieces and getting everything hooked up to the wallets and stuff like that. But I do know that it implements the person tag beautifully.


PLP isn’t a podcast app that I have used. Because this app is meant for low bandwidth areas. These are for phones that use KaiOS, or the JioStore, and airphone.


Now this is a premium podcast. This is running normally about 25 bucks a year. Which some people may think is too high, but they do provide an added level of service when you pay for it. You can listen to podcast for free, but that’s all you can do.

Podcast of always been great for learning you can listen to podcast wherever you are going. You can do it as a secondary activity. So like doing the dishes or mowing the lawn this is where podcast come in and play and they shine and I wanted to show the benefits and advantages of what Podcasting 2.0 is able to do. Because many people have the misconception that podcast 2.0 is two complex and there are geeky parts about the update, but there are a lot of parts that work flawlessly as intended.

The Next Step

You can by taking the next step. You can have a relationship that is fun, loving, and fulfilling. You can have late nights of curiosity-fueled talks. All this is possible when you get coached.

Right now I am making a very special offer that will only last for a limited time. If you are interested in Getting coached for 95% off Then sign up quickly cause the space is limited and they are filling fast.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.